Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I hate to see you unhappy , and you wo n't feel better if you stay in and frowst by the fire all day .
2 Look how he blooded Speed and Batty … he did nt chuck them in and hope for the best .
3 In fact , this technique has led to some of my most successful parties where the parents join in and participate in the proceedings .
4 ‘ Get in and socialise with the family , ’ Peter Shearer told Mr and Mrs M. You re not just teaching one child , you 're taking on the whole family , ’ this being a family of fifteen children , some with social and behavioural problems , and eight still of school age .
5 I DO N'T so I stay in and play with the kids .
6 If you actually go in and look at the prices cos the other is the only one I 'm gon na get , it was only ten pounds , only one at the bottom and this shirt white shirt is only five pounds .
7 These factors explain the smiles on the faces of Mike Belbin And David Eyre , who jointly lease , run , live in and cook at the Eagle pub in Farringdon Road .
8 More than any other comfort his delighted kisses in return soothed her and eventually she was able to put him down and go into the kitchen to speak to Teresa about the day 's duties .
9 After a while , the bedroom door opened and they heard Mother and the visitor come down and go into the front room of the house .
10 This produced a laugh which unfortunately brought on such a fit of coughing that Wilson was obliged to put Pilade down and attend to the invalid as though she were still her maid .
11 The kids from the houses up there- ’ she waved her arm in the direction of home — ‘ will come and play on the grass-the old people from the council place will come pottering down and sit on the benches by the flowerbeds .
12 I will make the most of being injured , and go down and sit by the pool for a while and chat to Carlos . ’
13 But in the autumn they come down and settle in the grazing pastures where we take the sheep in summer .
14 because I breed racehorses , I also am a farmer so I wear two hats , but I 've actually seen foxes sit down we move the hounds move in , si sit down and scratch in the middle of a field , and then they think ah !
15 Most of my leaves drop down and fall in the borders
16 ‘ Sit down and listen to the radio for a bit while I go up and wash .
17 ring my friend if it makes you feel alright it 's ace if you just sit down and listen to the old Beatles is n't it ? feel alright I do n't care too much for money , money ca n't be me love ca n't be me love
18 I kneel down and drink from the renewing , strengthening , sacred spring .
19 You must then perform a small conjuring trick — holding all the layers of the picture firmly together , turn the frame and picture upside down and place on the table , then fix on the hardboard back .
20 His release from time-out required that he quieten down and comply with the original request on his return .
21 ‘ When it comes to business I think it is important to get your head down and deal with the accountants and lawyers , ’ she says .
22 And the three lorries could back underneath and load and go down and tip at the Golden Wharf at Lyness .
23 Why not have the group sit down and talk about the strategy issues ?
24 And the men erm as I say come along and sit in the back .
25 Now it is a sport , and it is a skilled game you know , and I think women can play it just as well as men , or against men and you know , you can have your fans who are very strong for your women 's team tha just as much as the men , but yet , would they also be branded as hooligans because they go along and stand on the terraces and shout for the girls ?
26 I 'll be gone — you 'll have had time to think things through and come to the right decision . ’
27 If the general strike had lasted , we could have took over , but er Jimmy stepped in and er he was the er he was the er general secretary of the N U R , National Union of Railwaymen , and er he stepped in and persuaded the government to more or less step in and take over and arbitrate with the miners .
28 Swing the leg forwards and lift it up and down slightly , 15 times.Relax the leg , then roll over and repeat on the other side .
29 Roll over and repeat on the other side .
30 Relax the leg by bringing the knee close to the chest , then roll over and repeat on the other side .
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