Example sentences of "[adv prt] of the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Second , the political response to a rapid deterioration in the economy implies a greater probability of a coup d'état or a battening down of the hatches by the government .
2 It was not only that , by 1837 , the structure and contents of houses had begun to change as a result of early mass production , but that society itself had undergone a ( technically ) peaceful revolution , incidentally undermining the consensus that the middle-class house was a scaling down of the houses of the great .
3 Into the nineteenth century , as I have mentioned , I middle-class houses were regarded as a scaling down of the houses of the great , while a majority of novels still referred themselves to the dominant mansion at their centre .
4 Because such houses set the standard , those who write upon architecture in the eighteenth century and Regency invariably regard houses of moderate size for more limited means as a scaling down of the houses of the great .
5 Indeed , he states quite unequivocally , ‘ in such dwellings every labourer ought to live , and any nobleman might live ’ In the following decade , Pugin also enquires why the middle-class dwelling should be regarded as a scaling down of the houses of the great , for ‘ the smaller detached houses which the present state of society has generated , should possess a peculiar character : they are only objectionable when made to appear diminutive representations of larger structures ’ .
6 From the crisis over Nato modernisation in March to the casting down of the Wall in November stretch an astonishing nine months in which Germans on both sides have reached out with increasing boldness to take their destiny into their own hands .
7 It was a slowing down of the spread of forest decline in the late 1980s that first pointed the CEGB scientists towards climate as the cause .
8 Some , at least , of the graptolitic black shales are what we can recognize , with the hindsight of plate tectonic theory , as the deposits laid down of the edge of the continental shelf , in a truly oceanic environment .
9 The first change they noticed as a result of the Revolution was the indiscriminate and wasteful hacking down of the woods by the peasants : large trees had merely been deprived of their thinner branches .
10 This narrowing down of the focus of the original control theory seems to constitute a switch of attention from offenders to situations .
11 The most obvious moral interpretation of the assimilation of monk and merchant does not lie in the drawing down of the merchant to the level of the monk so much as in showing the monk to be transgressing the bounds of his special profession by entering into the commercial market place to procure a whore for himself .
12 There were sharp cuts in government expenditure which , although they eased the deficit in the short term , also led to further slowing down of the economy as a whole .
13 The bogging down of the tanks in the mud reminds one of the immobilization of the helicopters of the master of Saddam in Tabas .
14 What is clear is that the mechanics of the process , that is , the breaking down of the tissue into discrete blocks , involves an increase in adhesion between the cells in each somite .
15 It was the writing down of the poems of Homer and Hesiod that led scholars to ask , for the first time apparently : ‘ How far was the information about their gods and heroes literally true ? ’ .
16 Differentiation , or specialization , involves not only the breaking down of the organization into functions , but also the formation of groups to support the tasks assigned to those functions .
17 When reports came in of the spread of an eye disease in Cuba that was caused by malnutrition , they rushed to send packets of vitamins .
18 Note the filling in of the middle of the harmony by the violas , which gives solidity to the structure .
19 Reports came in of the landing of Iraqi military personnel on the uninhabited Kuwaiti island of Bubiyan .
20 At different times during the war , reports came in of the need for jet fuel .
21 well may I propose that we put all this along of the lines with flexible that they expressed the committee tonight and use ?
22 The conference was set up to attract more business to north Oxfordshire , where along of the flanks of the M40 empty office space is part of the landscape .
23 Laboratory manager , Andy Durrant says : ‘ M&ITS 's Calibration Laboratory is recognised as being on of the leaders in the field of pressure calibration work both in terms of accuracy and facilities , some of which are unique in the UK .
24 As executive producer of the mini-series version of Shogun , broadcast in the '70s , he ensured that each episode began and ended with a shot of the paperback edition on of the novel with his name in big letters .
25 The reason for the preserving and passing on of the traditions in this way was that they were used primarily by the early Church in its teaching of the community .
26 Even if the consumer can cover the risk by insurance , the position is much more complicated for him , and his insurers are going to be less likely to waive their rights of subrogation , without which his assumption of liability and his taking on of the insurance for the risk will not work .
27 On 30 April 1991 , the applicant , the chairman and managing director of a company , was charged that between 1 January 1985 and 29 April 1991 he had knowingly been a party to the carrying on of the business of the company with intent to defraud its creditors , contrary to section 458 of the Companies Act 1985 .
28 ‘ between 1 January 1985 and 29 April 1991 in the City of London and elsewhere was knowingly a party to the carrying on of the business of a company called Wallace Smith Trust Co .
29 The primary purpose of this research is to develop a methodology capable of analysing these complex interrelated issues , focusing in particular on the economic pressures created by the handing on of the business from father to son and from the purchase of land .
30 Before this Board the commissioner advanced two main submissions , namely : ( 1 ) that the business of the bank was one and indivisible since all the profit earning operations were directed from Hong Kong by staff therein employed , no overseas branch of the bank was involved and the funds employed in the purchase of the certificates of deposit arose from the carrying on of the business in Hong Kong ; and ( 2 ) that in any event , even if the sale and purchase of certificates of deposit failed to be treated as separate operations , nevertheless the profits from these operations arose in Hong Kong .
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