Example sentences of "[adv prt] of [art] old [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The royal couple 's individual humanity , rather than their status , has made most impact ; Charles 's unflagging curiosity , reports of Diana shaking hands with a leper in Indonesia , her instinctive picking up of an old woman 's dropped walking-stick .
2 Yesterday saw the first meeting of North Essex Health Authority , which replaces the consortium made up of the old north east , mid and west Essex district health authorities .
3 Not a taking up of the old ways , but she had anticipated that for at least part of the evening they would move from professional matters to personal .
4 A major new book is Jelena Hahl-Koch 's Kandinsky ( £75 ) with 420 illustrations and incorporating many works only known after the opening up of the old USSR in 1989 and the first Kandinsky retrospective in his homeland .
5 The television-viewing public was made up of the older stay-at-homes , not the swinging exotics whose exploits filled the front pages of the newspapers .
6 The train will be the Ffestiniog 's Vintage Train , made up of the oldest vehicles on the railway , some dating back to the 1860's .
7 He is in fact opposing himself to the view that I was trying to get out of the older writers , namely that beauty is the name of some sort of spiritual being .
8 He is in fact opposing himself to the view I was trying to get out of the older writers , namely that ‘ beauty ’ is the name of some sort of spiritual being .
9 woven and out of the old strands
10 A soldier came out of the old jailhouse , rifle held lightly in one hand , barrel pointed down .
11 An Independent Television Authority would regulate them , run by a group of people pulled out of the old drawer marked ‘ gentlemen amateurs ’ .
12 Darwin discovered a new species of the rhea , the flightless bird of the pampas , and realized that the existence of two closely related species in the same area made nonsense out of the old idea of perfect adaptation .
13 Matthew and Sara and the children with them came out of the old woods into the new plantation , where rows of conifers , dark green , were interplanted with small spindly brighter green beeches .
14 When the train reached its destination and Katherine stepped out of the old station , it was already dark and bitterly cold .
15 But er there were so many open cars and we had an upholsterer who er made the hoods and repaired the hoods and upholstery and er we even made things out of the old scraps of these er just to , we made bags for , for carrying trade plates for er people going away for cars .
16 The storage and preparation of food took place on the north side , where the Eastons have made a studio out of the old pentice , called the tempting shed , which ran along that side .
17 I went to the top of Ludgate Hill and watched exhausted men being carried out of the Old Bailey , then down side streets to where the steeple of St Bride 's church was tottering and the bells had gone crashing down minutes previously .
18 Cleared of rape , Austin Donnellan stepped out of the Old Bailey and stepped into an angry scum of photographers and reporters fighting to get close to him .
19 Keep out of the old man 's hair mostly . ’
20 Then you go downstairs to get the gas bottle out of the old stove in the kitchen .
21 A great ball of wind puffed out of the old chimney-place , rocking the portrait of Jas .
22 He wanted to get out of the old activist scene and transform himself into a modern , successful businessman .
23 If you have ever actually looked at this document that they have produced for today 's meeting , it is not a strategy , it 's not a statement , it 's just a trotting out of the old stories that have been knocked back time and time again , but if they 're gon na bring it out , let's knock it back again .
24 Carrick 's other winner was Alistair Murphy who tore the heart out of the Old Bleach four skipped by George Adair .
25 The garage was part of the stable block and had been made out of the old coach house .
26 A message needs to be sent loud and clear to the Church of England Synod that a complete change in thinking is vital if the new wine is not to burst out of the old wineskins and be lost .
27 The one in particular I 'm referring to you will see we 'd all see the Son of Man , they they 'd recognised that reference to himself Son of Man , they 'd recognised that because that comes out of the Old Testament Book of Daniel does n't it , the Son of Man seated on the right hand of the Almighty coming with the clouds of heaven .
28 A DEFENDANT on trial for a horrifying knife murder was on the run last night after walking out of the Old Bailey .
29 Beaming , the love-struck man walked out of the Old Bailey dock into the arms of his fiance .
30 Divided into many small bands , the Orcs made their way east out of the Old World and recorded history .
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