Example sentences of "[adv prt] [to-vb] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 We got in to drive down to the medina .
2 For organizations and clubs first timing it in this area Kinloss Canoe Club can always provide an experienced canoeist guide ( usually an instructor ) to join your flotilla and paddle along to give up to the minute on the spot information , or if you wish , to lead on the water , all at not cost , especially on the Findhorn .
3 Jack took one gulp , said ‘ Lovely stuff , and went off to tune in to the King 's Speech on the secret wireless , which only he could operate .
4 Er with the new contracts that started in September erm basically it seems that some teachers are having to do bits of cleaning themselves to keep their their classroom up to up to scratch up to the standards they ought they ought to be .
5 The south east ridge leads down into a bowl of porridge-like peat , so I bore off eastwards , still rough enough , into the paring wind , crossing the Allt an t-Strathain Mhoir high up to drop down to the church .
6 Not content with just the interminable Benson and Hedges World Series Cup , the players also had to fit in the Benson and Hedges Challenge between the fourth and fifth Tests , a jamboree dreamed up to latch on to the sporting frenzy which the TV and marketing people had decreed would seize the nation when the America 's Cup yacht races were staged off Fremantle .
7 The judges then went on to get through to the hub of the whole matter :
8 ‘ I was just about to go over to the station when that arrived . ’
9 They were about to go through to the back-kitchen when the door behind the bar opened , and Connor came out with a large , pink-faced gentleman .
10 I was about to go back to the hotel when a pool attendant gestured to me and whispered that he urgently needed to change Iraqi dinars into dollars .
11 He was about to go back to the company when he realised that in the middle of the town was a house where an old man lived , exactly where the company were planning to build their new station ; and the old man was refusing to sell . "
12 Evolution gone one stage further , the next logical step of the most intelligent animal on earth about to go out to the Universe .
13 ME AND THIS OLD FRIEND of mine are about to go out to the movies .
14 He was about to stand up to the policeman when Duncan spoke .
15 Stepping up onto the landing , he was about to walk over to the door when a large hand dropped onto his shoulder .
16 A new Frankenstein monster was about to lurch on to the front pages of the tabloids — the proto-fascist skinhead , scourge of the immigrant and the helpless OAP .
17 A full-length musical based on the biblical story of Job is about to burst on to the stage in York .
18 Angel and Patricio were about to ride on to the field .
19 Mention of ‘ the dark gods of Mexico ’ signals that we are about to move on to the writer for whom his strongest opprobrium is reserved .
20 Two bespectacled scientists , doing an early season wasp count , were about to head back to the far end of the lake with their analyses of how often the summer visitors would be stung that year .
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