Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] the time when " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We were about twenty minutes altogether from the point where we realized they could n't get us down to the time when we stepped on to the roof .
2 The growth characteristics of the bones are laid down at the time when the pattern is specified and the elements are very small and this early specification will control growth for many years ( Chapter 10 ) .
3 The timeliness of the Minor award in these terms was noted by the head of history : The project came along at the time when we were thinking about cross-curricular developments anyway , and the school had been concerned about the particular pattern of study skills and how they could be extended and coordinated .
4 I left him to his problems because it was coming up to the time when Emil had said the crew should board the train , and I was due back in the coffee shop .
5 The aircraft , a well used Boeing 707/436 , had spent much of its life on the trunk routes of BOAC and it had accumulated about 47 000 flying hours up to the time when the crack was discovered .
6 Earlier marriage meant a great increase in teenage births in the 1960s , up to the time when average age at marriage increased ( after 1972 ) , when legitimate births to teenagers began to fall as well .
7 Their Lordships are both surprised and disappointed that , right up to the time when this appeal was heard by the Board , no information has been forthcoming to explain how the addendum came into existence and came to be typed , or whether this further statement was sought by the investigating authority or volunteered by the witness .
8 ( 2 ) … in relation to an institution in respect of which a payment falls to be made under section 58(2) above any reference in this Act to a depositor 's protected deposit is a reference to the liability of the institution to him in respect of — ( a ) the principal amount of each sterling deposit which was made by him with a United Kingdom office of the institution before the making of the administration order and which under the terms on which it was made is or becomes due or payable while the order is in force ; and ( b ) accrued interest on any such deposit up to the time when it is or becomes due and payable as aforesaid ; but so that the total liability of the institution to him in respect of such deposits does not exceed £20,000 .
9 According to the editorial already quoted , " it was generally inferred , up to the time when the Congress assembled , that the honour of the Presidency would be conferred upon a deaf person . "
10 Where they are still organized separately from social services , education welfare officers can sum up an area 's state of mind as well as help — or question — individual families , at least up to the time when centralized social work services are cut back .
11 On one side was the flower-garden view ; on the other , one window had been bricked up at the time when windows were taxed , and I walked over to the remaining window .
12 To obscure more recent failure , it was possible to dip back into the time when the championship-winning sides flowed .
13 ‘ Looking back on the time when I was really big , around 1979 , I was the saddest and most miserablest I 've ever been .
14 The logical crisis went back to the time when he first started to read philosophy as an undergraduate and related to his reading of the English Idealist philosophers , as well as to his return ( for the purposes of passing his exams , and later as a tutor ) to the English empiricists of the eighteenth century .
15 But if film executives were to be believed , the majority of the audience was less interested in salving their fears about wars and conflicts ahead than in looking back to the time when Britain had a role to play in the world .
16 In order to find out what the substantive law is , we must still go back to the time when Law and Equity were administered in different courts ; we may still have to picture to ourselves distinct proceedings taken about the same matter in those courts , and work out the result of those separate proceedings .
17 Much of the legislation harks back to the time when individuals were less readily identifiable than they are nowadays and so protection was necessary to ensure that foul play was not involved .
18 Knox , when he wrote his History of the Reformation in the 1560s , looked back to the time when ‘ all men esteemed the Governor to have been the most fervent Protestant that there was in all Europe ’ , so that although ‘ The Papists raged against the Governor ’ , his fame ‘ was spread in divers countries ’ .
19 The custom of asking for permission to marry has less significance nowadays ; it harks back to the time when a father had control over his unmarried daughter 's money until a husband came along .
20 Thieves probably benefited from a certain popular tolerance which dated back to the time when individual thefts of cattle were a legitimate means of pursuing a dispute .
21 Perhaps it can be traced even deeper in the past — we can go back to the time when the woman first attracted the man whose child she will later bear , or to the onset of her menstruation , when her body signalled its readiness for pregnancy .
22 And we go way back — way , way back , back to the time when you could still buy mono records , when kiwi fruit were yet to be devised , when the khaki-clad representative of the Automobile Association would salute the passing motorist , when a packet of Gold Flake cost a groat and a half and you still had change for a flagon of mead .
23 Rug-making in the Balkans can be traced back to the time when the peninsula was under the control of the Turkish empire .
24 We know very precisely the age at the top of the coral when it was uplifted and died and what we 've done is counted these bands back through hundreds of years , back to the time when the coral first started growing and that was in the year fifteen eighty three .
25 The British connection dated back to the time when Jacobite refugees settled here in the eighteenth century , but it was after Wellington 's victories in the region early in the 1800s that it became serious .
26 Jean-Claude 's went back to the time when the region was awash with oceans of rye , Otto 's to the time when the Demoiselles Tatin were still alive .
27 You could n't go back to the time when the great art critics like Bernard Berenson and Herbert Read reigned supreme , even if you wanted to .
28 Looking back to the time when she could n't find reverse on her company car , Alison contrasted this with her new job responsibilities : ‘ Now I 'm driving over 2,500 miles a month , much of it spent on the M25 .
29 She wears little make-up for work and says : ‘ It goes back to the time when I started in the job .
30 And you know , for you and I , so often , imagine , think back to the time when you did not know Jesus Christ how easy it was to blame God for this and for that , if there 's a God of love in heaven why does n't he do something about it ?
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