Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] the [num ord] place " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I wonder if these councillors realise that anglers are among the people who vote them in in the first place , and who they are supposed to serve ? , ’ he asked .
2 ‘ We should have turned Jack Stone in in the first place and let the Met boys worry about protecting the family . ’
3 ‘ What I ca n't understand , ’ the Archdeacon went on , ‘ is why Dersingham put Marr in in the first place . ’
4 Now Mill realizes that the objection to this is the last problem coercion , that if people 's votes are known , then some people might be able to put pressure on others to vote one way rather than another and as I said why the secret ballot was brought in in the first place .
5 No , it 's the ones who bring them in , who brought them in in the first place — ’
6 To think about this , we now have to relax one of the restrictions that I built into the computer game : we shall end by seeing why I built that restriction in in the first place .
7 And why did you climb in in the first place ? ’
8 With more complex circuits , having to remove the transfers after taking all that time to lay them down in the first place , is wasteful .
9 Why you ever asked me down in the first place is still a mystery to me .
10 They must be all done or they would n't be down in the first place would they ?
11 Why does go down in the first place ?
12 It is generally much easier simply to let cut material fall with this kind of work , but remember that clearing up every scrap afterwards is just as important as cutting it off in the first place .
13 On some mornings the ducks on Three Island Pond would take off in great arcing flights against the sun , round and behind the Cages and out of sight , round again and behind the distant trees and then suddenly back again as if it had all been a mistake and they had never meant to fly off in the first place .
14 I should never have let her go off in the first place . ’
15 She is already at work on her next disc , but what of that Rodrigo concerto which set her off in the first place ?
16 If you 've got an alarm which is faulty and repeatedly goes off then , nine times out of ten , you ought to switch the thing off in the first place .
17 ‘ Sometimes it does get me down , but I get over that and then it is off to the next place . ’
18 And the person who had sorted it together at Birmingham made sure that the next stop it was at , the waggons would be at the back end to leave in that town and this is what my father was doing by er er shunting as it was called , or making a train up to go from Nottingham to London , or some other place in the country , with up to fifty or sixty trucks behind it and they did n't want the trucks next to the engine to be dropped off at the first place and having to shove and push about in their marshalling yard .
19 And since he 'd opened it up in the first place — and he definitely owed David Dennis a drink for putting him onto it — every chance of a couple of TV spots on the strength of it .
20 Then none of this rot about wars and boundaries would have come up in the first place . ’
21 She was being a bit of a weed and in any case I went to cheer her up in the first place . ’
22 This should be followed by a separate section on how to set the system up in the first place and how to check that it is working properly .
23 ‘ There 's been a lot of talk about the £14 million funding for community care this year but the fact is £4 million of that went in setting the thing up in the first place and we 've only got £10 million left for the rest of the year , ’ said Coun Ron Kennedy .
24 When political conflicts rage , it is far harder to take on the awkward task of asking why this particular standard was set up in the first place .
25 Er what was your first idea of what you was gon na be when you grow up in the first place ?
26 A gene ca n't affect the wiring up of a brain unless there is a brain being wired up in the first place .
27 There wo n't be a brain being wired up in the first place , unless there is a complete developing embryo .
28 That area of your life not only is of no interest to me , but I also consider it in very poor taste that you should have brought it up in the first place ! ’
29 ‘ How did you meet up in the first place ?
30 It was difficult to abandon the RPF precisely because de Gaulle had so compromised himself and his unique prestige by setting it up in the first place , by fighting elections , and by being a politician " like the others " .
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