Example sentences of "[adv prt] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Not content with beating seven bells out of the test team at Lords The Aussies took on the Combined Universities in a three day game today and almost strangled it at birth .
2 In the big retail market which opens later on the combined scents of ripe peaches and the fresh basil and thyme plants lying in heaps on the ground gave us our first sniff of Provence .
3 The disease causes its victims to waste away and take on the sharp outlines of a statue with the shiny , sickly pallid hue of marble as the disease destroys them .
4 The decision is a boost for Warwick Rimmer , who brings on the young players at Tranmere , reserve coach Ray Matthias and manager John King who has often been forced to play senior players coming back from injury against youth teams .
5 Under the name DNV Technica , the new company will take on the current operations of the Technica Group and the risk and reliability services of DNV .
6 Like the rest , the ex-Croydon cars took on the visible signs of war , headlamp masks , white collision fenders and protective netting on the windows .
7 This remark had important implications in the theory of the technique of psychoanalysis , where transference — the way the analyst comes to take on the emotional elements of a parent figure for the analysand — plays a key part in understanding the therapeutic effects of psychoanalysis .
8 Today Wales B take on the shaken Aussies in Cardiff — and Davies does n't rule out another shock Welsh win .
9 Farr-Jones was clearly in a mood to enjoy himself before joining the Barbarians to take on the All Blacks at Twickenham on Saturday .
10 However , by delegating authority to subordinates , the superior takes on the extra tasks of calling the subordinates to account for their decisions and performance , and also of coordinating the efforts of different subordinates .
11 Employers could not pass on the extra costs to the consumers either at home or abroad because of international competition — British goods would have been even more expensive than foreign goods .
12 Pillars , walls , ceiling , all have been painted , and there are even paintings hung on the upper walls of the nave above the arches , which are a mixture of round and pointed .
13 They moved there in 1965 to take on the joint roles of warden and matron at the then residential and day training centre for the mentally handicapped .
14 No one was likely to recommend that a hopeless old chronic like him should be put on the new drugs at this stage , because they were still in short supply and there were many more interesting patients on whom to experiment .
15 Well wha what he said was he went up there there 's erm could they put on the front wheels to the back and the back wheels to the front did n't say anything the bloke said , well we ca n't charge you .
16 They asked the individual chief officers to prepare reports to the committees on action that could be taken on the detailed recommendations of Friends of the Earth .
17 In theory , each of these has the capacity to know to be a medium and even large scale business , and to take on the corporate giants in the course of time .
18 In his day he has taken on the big guns of industry , commercialised culture and of whole countries ( who can easily forget his devastating portrait of Mrs Thatcher and the fawning Saatchi brothers ? ) .
19 Trees are preparing for winter and their leaves are taking on the beautiful colours of autumn .
20 After all , the state owns many buildings and assets , and much emphasis has been put on the institutional shareholdings of insurance companies and pension funds .
21 Once the school librarian or teacher has mastered the simple stages of switching on the different parts of the microcomputer , e.g. to set up the BBC microcomputer , the user 1 ) Plugs in the computer , the disk drive , the monitor and the printer 2 ) Switches on the microcomputer , the disk drive , the monitor and the printer 3 ) Puts a disk into the disk drive 4 ) Types in a command on the microcomputer s/he will be able to use programs for different applications such as database creation or word processing and the applications are covered later in this book .
22 Thus , playing to the Germans ' appeal for order , these two brave Frenchmen secured for the trade a buffer in the form of the CIVC which took on the day-to-day unpleasantries of dealing with an alien administration .
23 Practically , it means that students have to become used to expressing a point of view and exposing it to the critical evaluation of their peers , and in this way take on the ethical demands of rationality .
24 Works produced at the theatre in Hvar , rebuilt in 1612 after its destruction in 1571 , five years before London 's first theatre was built , carried on the literary traditions of the Hvar literary school established in the previous century .
25 Little Pete and Ellie who used to hang on the very words of Uncle John .
26 The folds in the return maps prevent the relatively simple analysis of the strange attractor from remaining true , since points which are separated by the expansion in one direction can , if they are later on the opposite sides of the fold in the map , be forced back together again by the contraction in the other direction .
27 We 're going to put on the Olympic Games in ‘ 96 , we 're going to make everybody including Athens proud .
28 er I do n't know how to answer that question , all I can say is we 're going to put on the Olympic Games in ‘ 96 and we 're going to make everybody , including Athens I hope , proud .
29 Executive power — the power to set down the broad policies to be followed by the state and the ability to carry out or execute the laws was in the hands of the King , but the means for carrying it out had to be provided by parliament .
30 In the church where I was converted , the service began with a muffled announcement from the back , followed by a lengthy hymn during which thirty men and women in long blue dresses , white nightshirts and yellowing ruffs walked up and down the various corridors in the building singing at the top of their voices .
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