Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] the [noun sg] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd scattered a few items around the place so that anybody looking in through the window would get the impression that the owner was in residence but out for the day or the evening : a box of tissues and some magazines in the main room , a half-empty bottle of fresh milk and some crockery draining in the kitchen .
2 How far down towards the locality will the decision on housing benefit be made ?
3 Some single people too will need to gain special compensatory measures , although the phasing in of the proposal will do much to minimize any losses .
4 The risk of disease being carried down into the soil could be extremely serious .
5 Thus a stream of water percolating down into the Earth can result in Old Faithful , a little stream , or no surface manifestation .
6 Like many scientists , campaigners at Friends of the Earth in London ( including the author ) had assumed that the absence of strong evidence for forest decline in Britain might be due to a combination of climate ( moist conditions good for growing trees ) coupled with the possibility that magnesium in rain coming in from the sea might counteract leaching by acid rain .
7 This deprivation of information coming in from the environment can be the cause of vague unease , of insecurity and feelings of depression .
8 But these are only reasons of strategy , and a pragmatist believes judges should always be ready to override such reasons when he thinks that changing rules laid down in the past would be in the general interest overall , notwithstanding some limited damage to the authority of political institutions .
9 And then he gave order that all the windows of the towers which looked in upon the town should be closed up , that the Christians might not see what the Moors did in their houses ; and the Moors thanked him for this greatly .
10 I doubt that any of the Israelites wandering in the desert and occasionally venturing down to the water would have written those lines about God being mightier quite so confidently if they had seen big Waimea .
11 Using fleece covers to completely cover a crop down to the ground will significantly improve water retention by the soil .
12 Those steps down to the set can be daunting — I think it 's everybody 's nightmare , stepping out and falling flat on your face .
13 ‘ The man who brought you in to the Squad must have been Alan Jones .
14 The Greater York authorities therefore looked for a widening of the options available , er , in Greater York , and those that have seen the Greater York study , and it is a document that we 've put in to the examination will see that there was a fundamental full scale wide ranging er assessment er of all the options er open er within the er Greater York er area and they are er set out erm in pages three er and four of N Y five .
15 Giving in to the impulse would be very easy .
16 Newspapers love a good disaster , and a wedding where the bridegroom 's trousers fell down at the altar would stand a far better chance of being reported than one that went without a hitch .
17 Even the area down at the riverside would not hold them all , so that the legions had to make various other encampments , scattered wherever there was suitable ground .
18 But the imagination can and must be controlled and concentration on whatever one is employed in at the moment will counteract the natural animal instinct of fear .
19 little shallow pool down by the seaside will be warmer .
20 Now he is hoping his speech which slowed down by the coma will quicken up .
21 A walk to the Hadi Gari Bar down by the harbour will take you right through the hustle and bustle of the narrow streets of the old town and can take as little as five minutes , although you 'll be hard pressed not to be distracted by the jewellery , leather and clothes offered by street vendors at every corner .
22 If the interpretation of the point is not given to the ordinary courts then the error will not be an error of law at all ; the criterion laid down by the tribunal will be the accepted standard .
23 The time sheet filled in by the operative will need to provide certain basic information : The contract or project number , for easy identification of cost centres .
24 Someone who comes in by the day would suit me admirably . ’
25 The fact that Gorbachev sent the old Stalinist Andrei Gromyko to perform the pinning on of the award must have been scant compensation for what Ceauşescu probably saw as a badge of his growing servitude to Moscow .
26 Some streets which had been closed off during the intifada would be gradually re-opened .
27 Performance has to be exciting enough to make the boat attractive , but it has to be something that lighter and less experienced crews starting off in the class can handle .
28 Only when Juha went off in the morning could we have a bit of a rest . ’
29 And they had also made guesses as to what might be possible if the deuterium and oxygen gases that were bubbling off from the cell could be recombined and their latent energy recovered and used as heat .
30 I was thinking , oh yeah I 'll just chop my legs off at the knee shall I ?
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