Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [be] the most " in BNC.

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1 In fact , what it boils down to is the most efficient system for regulating your body 's own little micro-climate , without burdening your rucksack with all manner of garments designed for one specific set of conditions — a waterproof duvet jacket for example .
2 We realise today that this reactionary generation grew up to be the most materialistic the world has ever known .
3 Your very first field landing could even turn out to be the most difficult field of your whole gliding career .
4 Garden Life could turn out to be the most valuable contribution to conservation we have seen for some time .
5 But there were no unpleasant surprises in store for me , and the 500-mile trip turned out to be the most leisurely and enjoyable drive I have had for ages .
6 As I 'm not a man , it turned out to be the most useful thing I could do . ’
7 As companies that do fall victim to computer crime prefer to deal with the problem internally , personnel security may well turn out to be the most vital component in a firm 's defences .
8 The Appeal Court 's rejection of an order banning an abusing father from the family home has turned out to be the most controversial decision under the Children Act since its introduction .
9 This disregard for the succession could turn out to be the most destabilising factor in Egyptian life .
10 The sale turned out to be the most important and most successful Haute Epoque auction in history , establishing a number of world record prices .
11 So I map out a route over familiar country near home which takes in some old hedges and one-time mushroom pastures , hoist a gathering bag over my shoulder — and then curse the fact that the mid-October day that I have carefully planned for this expedition turns out to be the most dismal of the autumn so far .
12 But then , dear Lizzie , for all the money — and it was reputed to be in millions — that her late husband had left her , had never known how to dress ; nor did any of the tribe of Braithwaites sitting around her , who had clearly chosen whatever had turned out to be the most expensive and put it on their large , angular bodies just anyhow .
13 The new maisonettes have turned out to be the most unusual and attractive living spaces .
14 Improvements in this area may well turn out to be the most difficult to achieve .
15 The pagan , who with his tattoos and shrunken heads appears to be a terrible savage in the beginning , turns out to be the most noble character in the novel .
16 In the course of the 1840s the young radical put together an informal association of disaffected contemporaries whose ranks , at one time or another , included the novelist Dostoevsky , the satirist and future provincial governor Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin , the future panslav Nikolai Danilevskii , Vladimir Miliutin ( a brother of the man who reformed St Petersburg 's municipal administration in 1846 ) , Valerian Maikov ( brother of a distinguished lyric poet ) and Nikolai Speshnev , who turned out to be the most extreme member of the company but was also " the only one … to lead the life of a leisured gentleman " .
17 What turned out to be the most far-reaching of all the post-emancipation measures of Alexander II derived , ironically , from the government 's concern for the gentry .
18 And unfortunately , I told him in graphic detail , and thereby of course , lost a contract , because he turned out to be the most senior person in the room , and he did not enjoy being humiliated in that way .
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