Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [v-ing] [pers pn] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 and then find what it 's what we can do to stop it triggering and carrying that reaction on and on and on and on or turning it back .
2 Urging them on or putting them down .
3 Is that for for trapping it in or tuning it in at all or a different thing ?
4 Trent waited until the catamaran was pointing downriver , then he let go the stern line , pulling it in and coiling it down .
5 it 's just like drinking , it 's just like getting a spoonful of sugar and sticking it in and wiping it around .
6 putting water in and spitting it out .
7 It is not cutting the forest , going away , leaving it and letting the trees look after themselves , and the rest of the forest regrow , without actually going in and cutting it down and burning it .
8 The procedure of bringing the nail down and taking it back up is performed using a small platform , worked by an ancient system of ropes and pulleys and known as La Nivola , the ‘ little cloud ’ .
9 ‘ They 're certainly tearing things down and putting them up at the moment .
10 Kept on pulling his trousers down and putting his out in his pockets .
11 That 's alright , open it up and then what do you do keep puffing along and sweeping it up whether it 's put
12 ‘ Yer old man an ’ his sidekick done real well goin' in an' gittin' you out .
13 Well , instead of just saying no , how about taking it through and working it out ?
14 We knew that they were testing them , and checking it over and bringing it up to standard , but we did n't know anything about it other than that !
15 So we had to get the bobbies down to kick the door in , and you can imagine at three o'clock in the morning , some some deaf and dumb couple , there 's this big coloured bobby le leaning over and waking them up .
16 She had been talking about the rumble with the Daughters of the American Revolution , playing with Seth 's glasses , putting them on and taking them off .
17 Leaping off the bed I hurtled up to the rod which by now was screaming off and picking it up I felt the line pluck nicely through my fingers ; knowing that it must be a cat on the other end gave me a real thrill .
18 So she was not only watching but being watched when she thought she was by herself , when she was taking her clothes off and putting them on and so on .
19 I mean that does n't help as well , I know Sainsbury 's or Tesco 's and you have to keep taking them off and putting them on
20 up here and I , I 've been keeping putting it off and putting it off .
21 Particularly if there 's any suggestion that anything a bit like hypnosis has been used um this er business of of well it must be the therapist making them up or putting them up to it in some way becomes a particular argument that 's raised quite often .
23 As he tried , several times , to restart his car before giving up and pushing it on to the verge to await rescue , traffic on the M8 from Glasgow quickly built up until there was a three-mile tailback .
24 They can be observed flitting across the pit as they attempt to swim , with the parent picking them up and spitting them back into the quivering mass .
25 Finally about quarter to eight he shoots through to the other room and finds Dick and Joy Hardy there , they were supposed to be picking Gwen up and bringing her round .
26 Even if you fence it in you still have the additional traffic that would be regenerated in picking the children up and dropping them off .
27 If they suss out that you 're a fanatical prospector they 'll have a great time winding you up and sending you off on a series of wild goose chases .
28 The creche staff did a fine job of picking her up and delivering her back to our chalet , so by the second week we decided to take her skiing with us .
29 Yeah , this guy comes home from work and his wife 's got the chair and she 's picking it up and taking it around like this
30 They were n't used to doing this kind of thing — they were n't used to rock and roll or putting something up and taking it down every day , so really it was a white elephant from the beginning .
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