Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 We also have the latest in up-to-date technology — the TV set in the corner , which has a twin BBC-ITV facility , and , of course , a number of lights that can be turned on or off at the flick of a switch .
2 Unfortunately as the blocks reached the wall at either side they could not ride on or off at the ends .
3 several streets all very like one another , and many more streets still more like one another , inhabited by people equally like one another , who all went in and out at the same hours , with the same sound upon the same pavements , to do the same work , and to whom every day was the same as yesterday and tomorrow , and every year the counterpart of the last and the next .
4 Where there are to be music fades in and out at the transfer , leave plenty of overlap at the beginnings and endings of the pre-recorded sections to give yourself ample working margins at the mixing stage .
5 A. Anyone carrying out work in the Village has to sign in and out at the Wardens Lodge .
6 Dickens likened the piston of the steam engine to " the head of an elephant in a state of melancholy madness " , but even by 1815 it was only a minority of the working population who had as yet been cast in the mould of his 1845 Coketowners who , " all went in and out at the same hours , with the same sound upon the same pavements , to do the same work , and to whom every day was the same as yesterday and to-morrow " .
7 The away end bogs , according to who was forced to abandon half-times plans for a piss , are Heysel revisited — one narrow tunnel going into and coming out of the place was crammed with hundreds of fans all going in and out at the same time , plus a few old bills looking on saying helpfully ‘ I should n't do that if I were you .
8 I mean it 's going in and out at the right places but it 's also to do with childbearing O K. So George is changing the subject there completely kind of off the wall is n't he , er this comment ?
9 I mean that when we went to Italy , when me and our Terry went to Italy last year erm first thing in the morning we 'd , we 'd have our breakfast , then we had a wander round and then we went on beach , two or three hours in and out at the
10 I walked along the oak-railed gallery , looking both down and up at the magnificent chimney .
11 Stripping and ligation of varicose veins involves the insertion into the vein of a long flexible tube with a head at one end ( a " stripper " ) , which is pulled through and out at the groin incision tearing the vein from the surrounding tissue .
12 With precise control both units can be set to operate on and off at the same setting with consequent better heat distribution .
13 Some would take up for ever more space than they were entitled to — like my mother 's wedding dress , shrouded in sheet linen , suspended in time , uncrushed by the other more workaday but less significant garments that crowded together as though they were cold , waiting in a queue , inmates of a zenana to be taken up or not at the Pasha 's pleasure , promiscuously gathered , at the mercy of their owner .
14 Slow build up or in at the deep end ?
15 That bar in the illustration , had to be lifted up and over at the end of each row to deposit the stitches on to the needles — a great opportunity to drop stitches , which I did most of the time !
16 Do 20 walking jogs on the spot , raising your arms up and down at the sides .
17 It had stopped munching away in its stall , pricked up its ears and jerked its head up and down at the powerful voice of the world-famous soprano .
18 He stamped up and down at the limit of the firelight and listened to the silence of the hills .
19 It was working perfectly back in Manchester , when you had it going up and down at the traffic lights to impress those schoolgirls . ’
20 You probably felt it today because you were up and about at the doctor 's .
21 He nodded slowly to himself , then looked up and across at the lace-curtained window , like a bird perhaps suddenly spotting the open door of its cage .
22 Hauser paced slowly back and forth at the far end behind his empty chair as he spoke .
23 Claire ranges back and forth at the foot of the bed , throwing her arms around for emphasis .
24 Parking difficulties — so more time — more nervous energy — more pulling back and forth at the steering-wheel and the gear-lever — none of which , he might tell us , he in any way enjoys .
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