Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [verb] he off " in BNC.

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1 I think we 're just gon na have to let him moan I would n't mind , but until last weekend , he never give a dickie bird about going to sleep I think it was that came in and set him off she should 've just left him on to it instead of trying to do it herself
2 Angel , on a faster pony and using his whip , had nearly caught her up when Luke thundered up and rode him off .
3 Broke a few windows and scared everyone shitless until Tyler Beck turned up and cooled him off .
4 Well — he would not , and the laird turned him out for it — he turned him out and sent him off and we have had no land since and he put nobody else into Upper Farrochil — he only wanted it for himself .
5 Do n't you dare I 'm in charge of this interview and erm and erm and erm what 's caused this and why discussion what has caused this change to try and find out and put him off Horrible feeling you see two people shouting at each other two people shouting at each other get the impression that the other party is actually doing an impression of a goldfish and going like that .
6 ‘ Might as well go back and finish him off , ’ says Iain .
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