Example sentences of "[vb infin] taken [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone seeing them together on the common outside Oswaldston would have taken them for husband and wife , though Hilary was by nearly three years the younger .
2 Cos he 'd have taken them to court and said well he did n't even pay it , I did !
3 I could have taken him to task about how he was defining ‘ agree ’ and ‘ honest ’ , but just somehow did n't .
4 Today 's photo session may have taken us from dog track to town hall , from tube station to The Longest Market in Britain ( fact ! ) , but the travelling has n't covered the cracks in the area 's cultural structure .
5 ‘ So it could hardly have taken you by surprise that she 'd started up life with a different partner . ’
6 If he had accepted her invitation to supper she would have taken it for encouragement ; he would simply have put off the evil day .
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