Example sentences of "[vb infin] to have been [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Superficially such a resolution might appear to have been no more than a minimum concession by the Federation in response to the seamen 's involvement in a wave of strikes by transport workers which had reverberated around the ports of Britain in the previous summer — an undertaking that it would withdraw its " ticket " if the union would do the same , so that neither side would attempt to control the supply of seamen and free labour disputes would cease .
2 It is somewhat paradoxical that structural shift does not appear to have been a major factor in productivity growth after the war , because it is well known that structural imbalances contributed substantially to unemployment between the wars .
3 In explaining the shape of the bargaining structure in Japan , as with the industry-wide structures in Europe and the decentralised arrangements in the United States , the wishes and expressed policies of the bargaining parties themselves would appear to have been a predominant factor .
4 Ill-health does not appear to have been a long-lasting problem , for , with John Field , Moorcroft soon established a flourishing practice , eventually with stabling for 63 sick horses , in Oxford Street , and a further 20 stalls at a branch in Hammersmith .
5 The weakness , if not incompetence , of the opposition would appear to have been an important contributory factor in Ronald Reagan 's astonishing early success in seizing control of the agenda in the manner of a Roosevelt or a Johnson , even almost of a prime minister .
6 I can not claim to have been a close friend , but I had occasional encounters with him and , as with most people , it would be more accurate to describe them as occasional brushes .
7 He can honestly claim to have been a righteous servant of God ; in verse 16 he writes of his service being like that of a priest , who bridges the gap between God and man , and who presents a sacrifice to God as part of the priest 's duties and privileges .
8 To that extent , he can claim to have been an innocent traveller .
9 He is not a sceptic about the reality of global warming — he can claim to have been the first man to notice it — but he does not believe it is necessarily harmful .
10 I would like to have been the first person in the world ’ , she added lightly .
12 ‘ From the records available , it would seem to have been a substantial and well-constructed building , typical of its time with pleasant grounds and circular carriage drives front and rear . ’
13 Most of my informants retained very happy memories of the atmosphere of the composing-room , possibly a little coloured by the passage of time ; but there does seem to have been a good deal of good humour and fun .
14 In the non-chronicle sources there are suggestions of rivalry over Calais , where Hastings had replaced Rivers as lieutenant in 1471 , and there may also have been some friction over the Ferrers inheritance , although this does not seem to have been a major issue .
15 In the non-chronicle sources there are suggestions of rivalry over Calais , where Hastings had replaced Rivers as lieutenant in 1471 , and there may also have been some friction over the Ferrers inheritance , although this does not seem to have been a major issue .
16 There does seem to have been a genuine feeling of outrage within the profession at the proposal to disregard the two competitions , and probably if Scott had not stirred , another architect would have taken the initiative .
17 I do n't know why this decision was taken , especially as it does n't seem to have been a well-planned one .
18 If ( as he may well have done ) he thought that he was the Messiah , then his choosing of the twelve would seem to have been a symbolic action , through which he should indicate to people who he was .
19 She made what would seem to have been a precarious living through writing , contributing to the Leisure Hour and Sunday at Home , and early in her career was helped by a generous gift of money from Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice , third Marquis of Lansdowne [ q.v . ] .
20 It is difficult to assess the impact this has had , but there does not seem to have been a massive desertion of schools with poor examination results .
21 There are certainly cases where this would seem to have been the only possible method of transmission , but the extent of the risk is hard to quantify .
22 Later in the paper I 'll be explaining that , whilst there was also a recognition that there was a gradual build-up in the care requirements , there does n't seem to have been the same explicit recognition that there 's been a gradual build-up in the assessment and care management which has an increased ongoing cost in future years .
23 To this end all records of the past were zealously preserved and older , more primitive legal traditions extensively reworked and edited in the light of developing concepts and attitudes — most of which would seem to have been the direct result of the community 's change in circumstances and new needs for order and social cohesion .
24 The defeat of Redgrave and Pinsent is unlikely to prevent their selection for the Olympic coxless pairs and it could prove to have been a useful warning to the world champions to raise their performance for Cologne in two weeks ' time , when all the potential Olympic crews will have their first try-out .
25 The winning of " possession " in 1985 after a long struggle in the courts will prove to have been a shallow victory if the protection attaches [ sic ] to this status is to be further undermined , leaving absolute control once again in the hands of the " greater possessors " , the owners .
26 The constant barrage of accusations about his integrity , competence , personal life and whether he dodged the draft during the Vietnam war may prove to have been a serious miscalculation by the Bush camp .
27 It remains to be seen whether it will prove to have been a short lived experiment or the basis for UK urban policy .
28 Reagan 's presidency may prove to have been the high watermark of the US-Israeli alliance , combining an unprecedented commitment to military co-operation with an almost wholly uncritical view of Israel .
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