Example sentences of "[vb infin] in a [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He suggested that the jury should bring in a decision that would mean that ‘ in future , parents and doctors could make decisions on this awful problem without unidentified informers rushing off to the police . ’
2 So the ministers in charge of the measure felt they could not bring in a guillotine or send the bill to a committee upstairs because most of the Conservatives would have voted against and , not being an issue of confidence between the parties , sufficient Labour dissidents might also have voted against the government to leave it in a minority .
3 We are about to write to every club that 's registered with us , tough on those that have n't , er that to er to , to , to come and er er fill in a form and get grant aid .
4 You might fill in a creation or save date , to pick out files either before or after that date .
5 The flexible winding of the organ allows the music to sing and breathe in a way that it is not possible with conventional bellows , and Schrader 's performances , like the instrument , are bold and bracing .
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