Example sentences of "[vb infin] out [prep] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Your very first field landing could even turn out to be the most difficult field of your whole gliding career .
2 THIS MAY or may not turn out to be the winter when serious numbers of British skiiers forsake the Alps for the Rockies .
3 That may turn out to be the case as the likes of Ferrari , Williams-Renault and Benetton-Ford get into their stride later in the season , but on the streets of Phoenix , Senna had no trouble in scoring his 27th win .
4 It is crucial that they be given a wholehearted , well-funded chance ; for otherwise the court of last resort may turn out to be the one where the Master of the Rolls holds sway .
5 It is crucial that they be given a wholehearted , well-funded chance ; for otherwise the court of last resort may turn out to be the one where the Master of the Rolls holds sway .
6 They might turn out to be the truth , for all Mungo knew , but he was not yet ready to take the shabby magician fully into his confidence .
7 Which brings me to what may turn out to be the tragedy of this election .
8 A field discovered following the controversial opening up of the Santa Maria basin off California could turn out to be the largest discovered since the Prudhoe Bay field in Alaska but the most stringent efforts will do no more than mitigate an inevitable production decline .
9 Garden Life could turn out to be the most valuable contribution to conservation we have seen for some time .
10 In seminars held there last Thursday and Friday two groups of scientists announced what may turn out to be the first evidence of CERN 's greatest discovery yet , a particle known simply by the letter W. If proven the discovery will vindicate all those who pushed for the means to make it possible .
11 THE WELL-PUBLISHED sacking of Sir Ralph Verney , chairman of the Nature Conservancy Council last month may turn out to be the only the second worst blow to the council this year .
12 If cow 's milk does turn out to be the problem you can try drinking sheep or goat milk instead , after a few weeks .
13 In any case , with the dismissal of the ecologist Jose Lutzenberger as Minister of Environment just before the summit and with the hesitations of George Bush over the electoral advantage to him of appearing here , it seems that the Earth Summit may not quite turn out to be the intended PR success for the western approach to planetary salvation .
14 As companies that do fall victim to computer crime prefer to deal with the problem internally , personnel security may well turn out to be the most vital component in a firm 's defences .
15 At first sight , this could turn out to be the bargain of the century , because the asset-values are calculated on 1991 prices , even though Russian prices rose by a vertiginous 2,600% during 1992 .
16 This disregard for the succession could turn out to be the most destabilising factor in Egyptian life .
17 Erm which did n't turn out to be the case .
18 ‘ Whether Dickens himself shall turn out to be the hero of his own life , ’ Ackroyd wonders as he begins his story , echoing Pip in Great Expectations , ‘ or whether that station will be held by others , these pages must show . ’
19 Perhaps he wo n't turn out to be the British Jean Renoir of a Glaswegian Woody Allen .
20 As will also turn out to be the case , given the definition of the physical to which we shall come , they are all of them physical .
21 Quite honestly a lot of them do turn out to be the customer 's own fault .
22 A lot of you 'd be surprised how gullible a lot of people are and frankly a lot of shopping problems do turn out to be the shopper 's own fault .
23 It could be the figure will turn out to be the low point of the trend , although if the pound continues to strengthen , that 'll be good news for the government 's control over inflation .
24 In small gardens of the National Trust it could turn out to be the rule rather than the exception .
25 It is possible to interpret data this way and , if independent evidence supports the dual process hypothesis , it may turn out to be the correct one .
26 With any luck this might turn out to be the workshop she was looking for !
27 Still bearing in mind the essay in the humanist volume , I wrote to Eliot during the summer suggesting as a theme for his consideration one based on the statement : ‘ The problem of nationalism and the problem of disassociated personalities may turn out to be the same ’ .
28 Hopefully the evening would n't turn out to be the disaster she 'd envisaged .
29 Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is no case to be made for taxpayers ' money being used to prop up Boris Yeltsin , who will turn out to be the David Owen of Russia ?
30 This does turn out to be the case .
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