Example sentences of "[vb infin] about the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In such an atmosphere of public mistrust , questions must arise about the purpose of the tax system .
2 When official conservation often does not work , part of the problem may lie in the assumptions which the conservationist , government servant or politician may make about the cause of failure .
3 Nevertheless serious misgivings may persist about the wisdom of ascribing identity to meanings .
4 For if the relations between the individual and society are as close as he believes , we must take them into account ; instead of grounding explanations upon one part we must theorise about the whole to which all the parts belong .
5 A. W. Mair , Loeb Library ) , we shall not quarrel about the date of the Alexandra .
6 I am afraid it is written in enviro-jargon , which will need translating into ordinary English or Welsh , but I hope it helps you think about the kind of issues that need to be got across in a popular television programme .
7 You put yourself into cold storage for two years as far as any kind of political practice goes and just sit and think — and do n't forget you 'll get paid £5000 a year to sit and think about the purity of the struggle we 're all fighting back here . ’
8 Just as you should carefully select your sailing venue , so you should also think about the type of sailing you do .
9 ‘ I never know what to make of them , but they certainly make you think about the future of the human race . ’
10 ‘ I do n't think about the age of the role , if a play is well written it tells an actor what to do , ’ said Mr Rickman , who is 45 .
11 Let's think about the number of regions we have , the T & G have got seven , we 've got ten .
12 The use of ‘ but ’ where common sense demands ‘ and ’ is symptomatic of a general malaise : the scriptwriters do n't think about the meaning of what they 've written , they just want it to sound pretty .
13 What we can do is think about the meaning of play and fantasy , and the repercussions of denying a child the sort of toys and television-watching that is allowed to almost every other child .
14 What do you think about the meaning of life then ?
15 Now I 've got four letter Ps to do with the voice er and what I want to do is is think about the comparison of aspects of the voice when we have a normal one to one conversation and compare that with the same aspects when we 're making a presentation standing in front of a group .
16 ‘ The doctors said what does it matter as long as he is alive but they do n't think about the quality of life .
17 ‘ The book made us think about the nature of health .
18 Whatever Mustakimzade does think about the dating of Abdulkerim 's Muftilik , then , it is clear that he does not believe that he followed Molla Gurani .
19 I then discuss various ways in which we can think about the relation between brain and behaviour .
20 She did not think about the thing inside her now .
21 Typical of the government 's hypocrisy , in Pink 's view , that it could bleat about the failure of exporters while at the same time putting every sort of obstacle in their path .
22 Requirements may exist about the amount of memory that is required to run a system .
23 For four weeks we have heard telecasters mutter about the margin of error .
24 ‘ What do you know about the love of God ? ’
25 What do you know about the rest of the Castle ?
26 How much do you know about the structure of your College ?
27 Do you know about the increase of racist attacks and murders in Britain ?
28 But I got my own back — at the time I was writing a column for the Guardian , so I wrote '20 Things You Did n't Know About the Editor of The Sun ’ — the Editor of The Sun wears his pyjamas over his head and he has twelve daughters , all called Spot .
29 The Labour party should know about the cost of restructuring because it did so itself when in government .
30 ‘ Did Maggie Parkin know about the affair with Nicola ? ’
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