Example sentences of "[vb infin] at [adj] [noun sg] or " in BNC.

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1 across a lot of papers but in this paper it starts er and as Mr just said it starts as far as incr increments , erm do we know at this time or can we be informed as soon as were informed , where of what , whether implement are erm , like , are restricted by the , the Chancellor 's statement , do we know or , are have we got ta wait ?
2 If we now turn our attention to the hero-literature of ancient Greece , it is notable that just about every prominent hero does battle at one time or another , and sometimes repeatedly , with Amazon women .
3 Now you must have at some time or other in advertising closed the deal on the phone .
4 The foregoing indemnities shall be in addition to any rights that any Indemnified Person may have at common law or otherwise and shall remain in full force and effect not withstanding KPMG 's engagement hereunder may be terminated .
5 This month I am going to cover two problems which most horses will produce at some time or other .
6 Look at the police budget , and we shall be discussing the police budget later on , you had a windfall , underspend on police pensions , but we all know those police will retire at some time or other , and when they do there is a commitment to their lump sum payments and their pensions .
7 If the seller of goods gives an express warranty in respect of them , he will still be subject to the liabilities created by the implied terms in the SGA ( SGA 1979 , ss13-15 ) unless those liabilities are expressly excluded : for instance by a term such as : This warranty is given instead of , and excludes , all other express or implied conditions , warranties or other contractual undertakings concerned with any of the following : ( i ) the condition or quality of the goods , ( ii ) their fitness for any particular purpose , ( iii ) their compliance with any description which might otherwise arise at common law or under any statute .
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