Example sentences of "[vb infin] with all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The word from Woburn House was that everybody should cooperate with all the enthusiasm they could muster .
2 Palaeo-biological precedent dictated such an organ be housed in Gavin 's ample rear , and have responsibility for his lower limbs — not to say urges — rather than his arms , but then one never knew , and I reckoned Gavin 's modest forebrain — doubtless fully occupied with the post-modernist sub-texts and tertiary structuralist imagery of Red Heat — could probably do with all the help it could get .
3 " If he wanted something in the house and I did n't have it he 'd say , " What did you do with all the money ? "
4 Paying the price of not investing in Britain 's future What did the Government do with all the money from petroleum revenue tax and privatisation sales , and has it been well-spent ?
5 This is probably not the time , but the Opposition is already asking the question which economic historians will seek to answer — what did we do with all the money obtained from petroleum revenue tax and privatisation sales , and was it well-used ?
6 Ah , but what would they then do with all the vinyl stock ?
7 That says sink , now then what you gon na do with all the sink ones then ?
8 The majority of the training is within the Options Agency , erm , achieve a positive outcome , and I do apologise with all the jargon that will creep in , erm , positive outcomes in terms of these programmes are that they achieve jobs .
9 In his mind 's eye he sees a girl who has brains ( although he knows that some very dim actresses can read with all the appearance of intelligence , and the converse ) who has a slight resistance to the Hollywoodification of Claudia 's life .
10 Each model can cope with all the evidence and the choice between them is thrown back on criteria like elegance , economy , fruitfulness , or perhaps , indeed , conformity with deep underlying presumptions about human nature .
11 The new models are so easy to operate that even wayward teenage sons can cope with all the washing while you 're away .
12 When they shed leaves because of drought , trees do not usually bother with all the razzmatazz of colouring them beforehand .
13 when he 's been there a little while perhaps he can come with all the authority of a Euro MP and tell us the answer to his own question er , the honourable member for Ashfield er referred back to the positioning of the European parliament er where it should meet , there are three sites .
14 ‘ That I could part with all the Rest
15 This concept encourages feminist psychologists to assume that , if female- and male-identified methods and designs are applied to subjects in a balanced way , they can deal with all the gender issues in psychology .
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