Example sentences of "[vb infin] for [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although occasionally an older vessel may substitute for one in dry dock , many venerable craft have been pensioned off .
2 Law binds not because it says it does ( although it does say just that ) but because there are good reasons for accepting its claim to mandatoriness and these good reasons have to do with what law can do for us in certain situations of social opportunity , difficulty and peril .
3 The different access that people from different social class origins have to resources in retirement is a major determinant of who can and who can not provide for themselves in old age .
4 This was very common in the past and I 'm sure many shop stewards here who 've dealt with redundancies in the past , know about the poor members who get quite a nice lump sum redundancy , but in fact , they 've only been in pension schemes a short while , so they ca n't provide for themselves in old age , once they 've spent the redundancy money .
5 The law was not formulated so that men and women could exchange favours promiscuously , but rather that a woman , being unable to decide upon a marriage offered to her , might select for herself without prior commitment from the men available and willing to accept her . ’
6 One of them — a little old-fashioned perhaps , for I do not see many people doing it nowadays — is to walk around it guide-book in hand , best of all with one of those old Murray 's Handbooks for Travellers , the most catholic , the most informative , the most solid guide-books ever written in this country ; still well worth buying though the last one came out nearly fifty years ago and one must hunt for them with increasing difficulty in the second-hand bookshops .
7 If savings have been set aside for a funeral , and would now pay for one at current prices , that money , invested at the best rate of interest , may be enough to pay for the funeral when it occurs .
8 In the national scheme of things , clippies would pay for themselves in increased efficiency , but more direct finance could come from super-taxing car fuel to penalise the gas guzzlers , and by re-allocating the tax benefits which currently go to company car drivers .
9 There will be a few overcast or windless days when the batteries will not be adequately recharged and a traditional generator will have to be called upon , but in the time they are charging , wind generators and solar panels will easily pay for themselves in saved fuel costs .
10 It would control referrals to providers outside the district and it would pay for them at negotiated prices .
11 It would also control patient referrals to providers outside the district and would pay for them at negotiated prices .
12 It would control referrals to providers outside the District and it would pay for them at negotiated prices .
13 I keep , apart from the fact that we 've got an enormous number of deadlines , but David keeps saying , ’ we must stop ’ , and then people ring us up and say ’ Oh , I , can I do this ’ , and we 've , you know people say , ’ Oh , well , I play the saxophone ’ , and then we find out that he 's got a huge band and he 's very famous , and they 've just rung us up to say , you know , can we play for you for free .
14 ‘ The umpires are simply determined to have an independent chairman who can fight for us on contractual and legal matters .
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