Example sentences of "[vb infin] it [art] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Okay , then , I 'll give it a go if you 'll pay for the diesel and if I can see you Saturday night . ’
2 I say let's give it a go and see what happens .
3 We 'll we 'll give it a go and we 'll
4 otherwise you could have him knocking on your door and you know let's give it a go and
5 I should give it a miss when you come up north , it 's a bit chilly for that sort of thing , though I could knit you a winter fig leaf .
6 Well yes , I suppose I could give it a try but I do n't want to promise anything .
7 Even if you are mouse phobe you should at least give it a try because you might be surprised at how easy it makes common operations .
8 I 'd give it a pat if I had the strength , cos I really like dogs , but I just turn my head and look at it instead .
9 We 'll give it a grease and an oil change while it 's over .
10 Using positive phrases , such as ‘ I really like … , ’ rather than negative lines like ‘ you do n't do it the way that I like … , ’ will improve your chance of having a productive dialogue .
11 I says er , I want to take charge , and I 'll do it the way that I think it should be done .
12 but I , I do n't know er whether I could do it an hour or not .
13 So , to avoid this , Peter merely said that , for the moment , he 'd appreciate it a lot if she 'd keep working a bit quiet .
14 It was the same in the the pantomimes when Lily has learnt learnt the dancing , I could er after she had showed us about twice I could I could have it no bother and the rest of them were still struggling away trying to learn the steps .
15 ‘ But I still used to pose on the bike for publicity purposes , ’ she 'd say archly over her tea and Eccles cakes , ‘ until the varicose veins started to show through me silver tights and Flaherty said I 'd better call it a day and let them find themselves another pin-up girl . ’
16 But it was true , what Jim said , in business you ca n't stand still , you go up or you go down , you ca n't just sit comfortably in your own 1972 executive four-bedroomed plate-glass-windowed centrally heated wall-to-wall-carpeted gadget-equipped house , with your Rover and your wife 's Mini in the two-car garage , and your pot plants in your loggia , and your electric lawn mower in the shed : you ca n't sit still and enjoy it , you ca n't call it a day and call a halt when you own it all and do n't owe anyone a penny , you have to go on and on , relentlessly onwards , juggling with larger and larger sums , owing more , paying out more , until finally perhaps the whole thing comes tumbling round your head like a pack of cards .
17 A quick handshake , and a heartfelt tribute to the beauty of his voice , and she could call it a day and go home gracefully .
18 there in your then do I call it a toupee or a wig or
19 When the train stopped he dragged his heavy suitcase onto the platform ; if you could call it a platform because it was only some wooden planks resting on a pile of milkcrates .
20 I suppose you might call it a deterioration when the ticking stops .
21 You could call it a smash and grab attention job .
22 Would you call it a deal until you have shaken hands ?
23 If a coincidence of this magnitude happened to me , I should call it a miracle and would watch my language in future .
24 I do n't know whether you would call it a lump or not , I said to her it was like a wee spot .
25 Yeah but I mean you could leave it a while till you got some
26 Mr Major wo n't hear of re-regulation ( in the form of credit controls , say ) but he does think it a pity that lenders behave so ‘ irresponsibly ’ .
27 Is I mean i Do you think it the fact that there is it is an area of high unemployment has anything to do with it at all ?
28 The average man may perhaps think it an exaggeration but I do assure you that this is factually so and nights are not now so dark that I can not be completely aware of what is happening around me before , during and after the nets have been set .
29 Your personality , your way of doing things , your way of helping someone to dress , how you listen to them — all these can make it a Home where the residents feel secure , looked after and treated with dignity , as explained below :
30 Ellen was also in the winning team last year which will make it a hat-trick if the 1993 season brings her another win .
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