Example sentences of "[vb infin] it [prep] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Turn that number three up to number four might be just sometime a the ther you know it might need it on number four .
2 Even if we do n't quite achieve it by March 31 , we will have significantly reduced the number of patients waiting 12 months or more , ’ said Mr Flook .
3 I 'll show it to dad first then .
4 One of the guys at work managed to get his sister-in-law to tape US Prime Time mid-afternoon so that we could all watch it on vdeo last night .
5 To gather signatures for the petition was a formidable task indeed , because it had to be back in Helen Martini 's hands by the following Thursday , so she could present it to No. 10 Downing Street on Friday 15 March .
6 So then it 's just a matter of waiting to get a good take , and if you do n't do it by take three , you do n't have any business doing it .
7 People tend to do , well we 'll do it from minus well we 'll do it from minus ten to plus ten there .
8 Authors , publishers and exhibition organisers wishing to submit a catalogue should send it before January 1993 to Asda , 170 Boulevard Haussmann , 75008 Paris , France .
9 If I ever had to qualify an audit report , I 'd run it past Claire first .
10 Fans can see it on TV three times a day and are holding parties dressed up as their favourite characters .
11 You spoke about what was said in the brochure that management charges had been or would be running at about a rate of inflation , we can see it on page fifty six , it 's better if you look at it I think , rather than I parrot phrase , see fifty six if you so kind now see fifty six is talking about at Broadstone will the management charges greatly increase the answer is no management service , er , sorry has appointed U K leading management specialist for several reasons , firstly because of their professional caring attitude , secondly because time has shown that management charges , rises the rate either slightly below or at the levelled inflation when that brochure was produced in respect of that development was that statement true or was it not ?
12 So we looked at two areas where we 've erm we were both very weak , erm , and I do n't we could even , we could n't even see it with regards this .
13 We can not simply remove it from Numbers 11 and put it aside , for it has been too closely intertwined with the giving of manna and quails .
14 We have erm , we ca n't put operator performance any more on our district , because we 've just erm , stopped that , it does n't , you know , they do n't apply it to performance any more as far as that goes , but erm , I have got three representation , three representatives , which the checkout people nominated themselves and I have a monthly meeting with those to come up with any problems but it 's still , you know , that 's tackling one issue .
15 He says he does n't take it to extremes these days , that he does n't date them .
16 This was an ambitious objective , but it was 1971 and Robert McNamara had been President of the World Bank for three years , long enough to begin to realize his goal of a leap forward in Bank lending that would take it from $1.1 billion in 1967 to $11.4 billion in 1980 , his last year in office .
17 People say oh I 'll take it from minus five to plus five .
18 Erm people might say oh well we 'll take it from minus five to plus five .
19 you 'd see a lot more things of interest and maybe say oh I 'll take it from minus fifteen to plus fifteen .
20 Conventional wisdom will now have it in Scotland that Labour should push more energetically for home rule .
21 Therefore what is now called corporate this other income is the erm basically head office cost , there 's things like profits on from our captive insurance er dividends which we did n't have it in fact last year we did the year before from Blackpool land , small profits from the sale of some shares at Fair and other odds and ends which I erm really do n't make up a great deal .
22 One of the best suggestions I heard was to er change it to Channel Four .
23 Since it will be a long time before the reflective process turns into action plans , we shall have to make do with what we already know and for the purposes of this chapter we can relate it to Level Three Partnership .
24 Phil 's been linked in the past with Vortex 's more prestigious neighbours Leyton House , now called March — he 's out to prove on Sunday he can make it in Formula One .
25 erm you ca n't explain it with maths any more .
26 Can you get it on video this one ?
27 Possibly by the time PP has completed the list you will have grasped the subject ; you may even get it before word ten .
28 We wo n't get it in year eleven ?
29 There is no surplus from which to pay a dividend , but when directors asked for £162m of new capital through a rights issue at this time last year , shareholders were promised an unchanged final 7.64p , so they should receive it on July 1 .
30 This will meet and let's put it into context thousand pounds per district but Mr will put the money into production obviously and I think there 's something talk about traffic economy road balance .
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