Example sentences of "[vb infin] to [be] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We saw evidence of what would later promise to be a riot of butterflies with entire bushes covered by baby caterpillars and chrysalises .
2 He will instead seek to be a kingmaker .
3 You do n't need to be a member of the Royal Family to know how hard it is to maintain dignity during your marriage break-up .
4 Getting Hoomey to swim ten lengths was … well , you 'd need to be a magician , Nails thought , not a teacher .
5 There would need to be a reorganisation of share capital , so that management 's shares entitle them exclusively to receive an in specie distribution of the shares in Target , following which their shares in the holding company would become worthless deferred shares ( which could then be bought in by the holding company for a nominal price ) .
6 You do n't need to be a programmer ; there 's no code to write , and you do n't even have to adopt the programmer 's mindset that is so often a prerequisite for building advanced database applications .
7 Right yo I w no I was just gon na say th th there 's there would need to be a tiebreaker of some sort presumably .
8 The Oscar-winning actress told the YP : ‘ To follow Denis Healey 's act you would need to be a genius . ’
9 Someone would need to be a genius to get that pile of rust going ; you forgot to mention it was a complete and utter wreck — I 'm surprised it got you this far ! ’
10 Everyone is welcome — you do n't need to be a scientist to enjoy TECHNIQUEST !
11 For that to happen Virgin 1215 will need to be a hit .
12 You have been doing the right thing by cutting out the dead wood you found in spring , but these plants do get very straggly , and to get the best out of it you will need to be a bit more ruthless .
13 After the menopause the vagina becomes drier and less elastic , so husbands may need to be a bit more gentle , especially at first , and a little more persevering .
14 For this reason , and realising it would need to be a writer based at the BBC with whom he could work closely , David Whitaker , on Donald Wilson 's recommendation , selected Anthony Coburn .
15 First , of course , there really does need to be a range of choices available at local level .
16 ‘ What training do you need to be a kennel-maid ? ’ inquired Brian .
17 The leading frog realized that if they were ever going to get to the new flower and survive there , there 'd need to be a lot more than one frog .
18 I 've got a knackered left arm where the car went over it ; they took a piece of bone out of the shoulder , so there 'll need to be a lot of physio on it .
19 If there are small children in the equation , there will need to be a flat , soft area where they can fall off swings and climbing frames .
20 She would need to be a masochist to put herself through this kind of torment , seeing him every day , working with him , knowing it could never lead anywhere .
21 Whatever you choose it will need to be a matter of trial and error , but avoid anything that is slow or spends a lot of time near the bottom — it wo n't stand a chance .
22 They held that the architect 's giving of an interim certificate was not the decision of a dispute between the plaintiff and his builders and that there would need to be a dispute for the architect to qualify as an arbitrator : see Lord Reid at [ 1974 ] AC 737 H. ( For a discussion of the difference between experts and certifiers in construction contracts , see 7.4.2 . )
23 Four to follow in this year 's World Series RICK REUSCHEL ( Giants ) Age : 40 Position : Starting pitcher ( right-handed ) At 240lb and proportioned like a darts player , ‘ Big Daddy ’ is proof that you do n't need to be a super-athlete to succeed .
24 The view from these peaks is fantastic , and with a couple of cable cars you do n't need to be a mountaineer to enjoy them .
25 Now we , let's say for instance we 've got five hundred thousand members of the church , and they in turn have a circle of friends and relatives of ten now you do n't need to be a mathematician to find out that 's five million .
26 You do not need to be a dressmaker to use the cut and sew method , although using sewing machine speeds things up .
27 The professional records management role will need to be a facilitating , not a hands-on one .
28 You do n't need to be a wine expert to make the right choice of wines for any of your Christmas meals — simply take a trip to Safeway , recently awarded the title of Supermarket Wine Merchant of the Year 92/93 and look at the staggering array of wines on offer .
29 Oliver went on : ‘ He does n't need to be a linguist to concoct this .
30 ‘ He 'd need to be a fanatic , ’ Keith said grimly .
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