Example sentences of "[vb infin] in to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The LIFESPAN Manager should log in to the LIFESPAN RDBI process directory ( i.e. where the 59 .
2 Again , you should log in to the VAX as the LIFESPAN Manager , and type :
3 Little fishing boats would chug in to the harbour all through the morning , and unload a couple of trays of fish which were sold immediately in the bustling market .
4 Does n't that sort of bring in to the country and she 's out in the country and she wants to show it to them that she she 's sort of she 's still fashionable .
5 my Lord well no doubt then the answer is that erm that would eventually have to meet them through funds which they will bring in to the market and which will go into the , the central fund
6 Coun Arthur Taylor said there was no planning opposition so they should not give in to the vandals by refusing the application .
7 ‘ I want to send out a very strong message today , ’ he had said , ‘ one thing I learned when I was young is that you do n't give in to the village bully .
8 Association chief executive Frank Clark said : ‘ We say we wo n't give in to the IRA and yet the police say they can not guarantee the safety of a manager at a football match . ’
9 Whatever may have been threatened or done , do not give in to the bully and do not keep whatever has happened to yourself .
10 Try to hold these contradictory memories together : do n't give in to the temptation to simplify your experience by discarding one important aspect of it .
11 He drew her to him , so that her head was near his waist , in a stiff sort of way because she did not give in to the embrace .
12 Divisional teams will report in to the Group Steering Committee chaired by Frank Bell .
13 Charles had so convinced himself of this that he did n't ring in to the production office until ten-thirty , deliberately giving the producer time to sober up his intoxicated imagination .
14 She found that she could tune in to the nature spirits and devas overlighting particular species and areas of landscape .
15 As Crick points out , however , the right idea can only fit in to a mind which is trained , and predisposed to accept that idea .
16 By that I mean those of us who do n't fit in to the stereotypes created by our culture , and refuse to be ; for example , such like myself who are n't rapacious materialists , fashion victims , empty-headed bimbos , domineering matriarchs who perpetually have a pan of chicken soup on the hob and a home-made cake ready for everloving family to devour .
17 So everything 's there , printing presses repro separation houses , sheet film , computer set up and Apple Macs and everything is there , it 's actually a very impressive set up erm , the Queen Margaret 's course , I 'm slightly dubious about I once had a colleague I 'm going back a decade who had been employed on the basis of doing the communications course at Queen Margaret I think , and it turned out that it was n't communications as we understood it , it was n't our sort of communications P R newspapers and things like that , it was communications on a much broader , broader front so it did n't actually fit in to the world of P R and what happened was I then had to sit down and train this woman from scratch and get rid of a lot of the preconceived notions that she had come in with she had brought from Queen Margaret 's College .
18 That was why they had hoped he would drop in to the meeting next door .
19 Erm wh what I would suggest is the three that are on the group and if John 's going to be off maybe somebody else from NALGO would , would er step in to the group , get together over the next two weeks or so and er try to jointly produce a Northumberland newsletter ?
20 For you would see the jeep in front of you proceeding along the Egyptian highway in a very dignified manner , when all of a sudden it would swing in to the side of the road near a fruit-barrow , a large brown hand would shoot out , and a succulent water-melon would disappear as the jeep accelerated away again .
21 The solicitor 's letter added that if Miss Honey would kindly call in to the office as soon as possible , then the property and the money could be transferred into her name very rapidly .
22 She watched me go in to the doctor .
23 While most , for example narcissi and scillas , should be planted as soon as they are bought , tulips should not go in to the garden until November .
24 In other words ‘ the Russian revolution will create conditions in which power can pass in to the hands of the workers … before the politicians of bourgeois liberalism get the chance to display to the full their talent for governing ’ .
25 Fox F M's weather — it 'll be a dry evening and most of the night , but towards morning rain will spread in to the Banbury area extending down to the Berkshire Downs on Wednesday morning .
26 How did you get in to the house ? ’
27 I said she ca n't get in to the shop .
28 Well , they can come in to the church , as many of them do , erm and I just say to them well , you know , do you respect this place and fine , it 's a place where we do n't chuck anybody out who comes into church for all sorts of reasons during the day when the church is open , you know , people come in , and there are many people like the ones we 've been talking about , who are in desperate need , and we just ask them to respect certain fairly mild rules they can always go out in the churchyard and smoke , but in the building itself we say no smoking and no drinking .
29 Well that will come in to the meeting as well .
30 I understand that there will not be parking facilities available for us , but that the two vehicles mentioned above can pull in to the square to unload and re-load the necessary equipment .
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