Example sentences of "[vb infin] my [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 But as they had n't seen each other since the day they both left the house , I did n't think my debut in The Jungle Book was the best time for a reunion .
2 ‘ I have a tremendous fundamental urge to get out and make my way in the world .
3 The death of the Empress does not affect my opera in the least , for none of the theatres have been closed and plays are being performed as usual .
4 But the fact that the medical profession has , for example , tended to restrict entry to the profession so as to preserve status , jobs and income , does not imply that I should withhold my trust in the ability and intention of my doctor to act in my best interests .
5 Take time to say , ‘ How can I present my organization in the best light ? okay We 've made a mistake . ’
6 I mean I 'll go out and do my bit in the way I know how and I leave him behind .
7 Thorfinn said , ‘ I think I can look my successor in the face , provided I have even the illusion of free will .
8 Now I can look my butcher in the face .
9 I remember seeing the red card and looking up , there was 30,000 people jeering and I could see my dad in the front row of the directors ’ box .
10 Oh , no , Bros Will I , will I be I can when will I see my pictures in the paper .
11 There 's no when will I will I be famous , when will I see my pictures in the paper .
12 Your words helped sustain my defences in the aftermath of Matthew Sura 's vicious and slovenly attack , from which , I fear , I am still rather reeling .
13 I 'll ring my office in the morning .
14 Well when I cycle into Nottingham , they let me keep my bike in the branch while I go shopping .
15 He put his hand over the flame of the lamp and said to Stricker : ‘ Let me see her for as long as I can keep my hand in the flame . ’
16 I put , yes only because your dad wanted some yes , I would n't dream of it otherwise , I 'd stick my money in the building society
17 ‘ I do set my bow in the cloud , and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth .
18 I would therefore be grateful if you could publish my address in the next issue of CONTACT .
19 ‘ I might read my horoscope in the daily paper , but I 've no intention of letting astrology rule my life . ’
20 It would destroy my standing in the community . "
21 It gave me the impression of having worked for something and , once defeated , I could take my comfort in the cool blandness of the back room .
22 Will you take my place in the family , my dear ?
23 You can have my resignation in the morning . ’
24 but the Principal of the Technical Institute at Lowestoft was quite a character , a Mrs , a Miss G C and I remember it was the day after the erm , the bombing and the building was pretty well devastated and er Miss rung up and said , she 'd got an idea she said erm how about hiring a bus , a double-decker bus , I could have my classes in the bus and erm
25 A , you might not want to come and join my company in the first place
26 I insisted that the Cabinet Secretary should record my protest in the Cabinet minutes . ’
27 I would retain my commission in the Dutch Navy , and be posted to the far east to be stationed in Java . ’
28 The Duke , aware that the incumbent armourer was dead , used his interest with the Board of Ordnance , pointing out that ‘ it might serve my interest in the town of Stirling ’ .
29 ‘ I could leave my bike in the bushes , ’ Virginia argued .
30 Did I leave my umbrella in the hall ?
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