Example sentences of "[vb infin] her [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 If you think I will respect her honour to the point of releasing her , you much mistake the matter ! ’
2 She had not time to dress and make her way to the Casa Guidi .
3 Shortly after the breakfast party , perhaps the same evening , perhaps the next morning , the bridegroom 's mother would make her way to the home of the bride carrying the first load of treasure .
4 First thing in the morning , she would make her way to the big house where she intended to relay everything she had learned .
5 She may be dressed in a different uniform , and therefore must explain her role to the patient .
6 We were completely thrown when one woman asked if she could bring her daughter to the next session .
7 He would not report her fate to the Police , and he could divert enquiries by saying that she had gone to friends in the country .
8 He did not resent her visit to the hairdresser 's .
9 She would confess her deception to the castle priest later , Isabel promised her conscience , and then wondered if , in fact , the chapel might provide the privacy she craved .
10 The announcement followed intense speculation that her heartfelt objections to divorce and remarriage would stop her travelling to the service near Balmoral on Saturday .
11 Worse , she preferred the pain of being with him and knowing that he did n't return her feelings to the pain of not being with him at all .
12 She spoke slowly , partly so she could drop her voice to the right sort of sexy drawl and partly because she was desperately wondering what to say next .
13 AFTER her second husband Stefano Casiraghi 's death , many thought that Princess Caroline would ditch her plea to the Pope to have her first marriage annulled .
14 The next few days would test her nerve to the limit .
15 It was one of the rituals of this lonely spinster 's life that every day she would take her chihuahua to the shop on the corner and back again .
16 No , no , my little girl 's talent will still take her right to the top . ’
17 Somehow then she recalled the couple of business cards which Cara had given her and , in the hope that the woman might take her card to the master of the house , she dived into her bag and extracted one from her wallet and extended it to the woman .
18 If this proved to be the case , then by marrying Cora-Beth , Harry would share her right to the Kinmuire estate .
19 Carrington , still naive though learning , had thought it logical that Hannele should tell her story to the proper authority in person .
20 Loopy Lil beamed with pleasure but said nothing as she watched Mrs Hollidaye fill her bowl to the brim .
21 The doctors say it should be scrapped , and an MEP says she 'll raise her objections to the road in the European Parliament next week .
22 She could shut her eyes to the future and be content to share the present with him , as her body longed to do .
23 On the verge of passing out , she felt them connect her bluetower to the memorizer and Jezrael drowned in someone else 's memories , the battle-plans and layouts bulling their way in to trample her personality beneath them .
24 But her colleagues and superiors could not fault her dedication to the job , speaking highly of her nursing ability .
25 Very little was known about the type of work and the amount of time spent on farm work by the farmer 's wife so the questions in this section were aimed at trying to identify : ( a ) how important her role was ; ( b ) the level of her present skills ; ( c ) whether training could expand her contribution to the farm business ; and ( d ) whether training for the benefit of the farm as a whole could be conducted through women .
26 In fact , it was amazing the Connor girl could even find her way to the racecourse the way she must be feeling today .
27 Apparently it was enough , because the heavy pressure on the back of her head eased and she could turn her face to the side , dragging air back into her lungs .
28 At birth the mother will help her calf to the surface to gain its first breath , taking about 10 seconds to do so .
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