Example sentences of "[vb infin] make [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Can we make , can we just please make make a final point .
2 Divorce also affects your will and you should consider making a new will if you get divorced .
3 I would need to make a two-into-one jack socket for the speaker — would this cause problems ?
4 So we do n't really need to make a set time actually , if we 're all there we just all come and we just .
5 How many of those would you need to make a whole pizza ?
6 We could watch it after we 've eaten , but if you 'd like to see it we 'll need to make an early start . ’
7 You may need to make an advance payment ( the difference between the total cost of the three year hire for the vehicle selected and the amount of finance available from mobility supplement ) , but for smaller cars there may not be anything to pay .
8 Appreciation of the ways in which the various shapes are related enables the teacher to ask further leading questions when a suitable opening presents itself in a child 's play ( e.g. commenting on the way the flat slabs will go together to make a staircase of three steps — ‘ What would we need to make the next step ? ’ ) .
9 How fortunate you are to have found yet another chance at happiness together , with a better understanding than most people of what you should do to make a successful marriage , and how much you will gain .
10 Black Wolf he was called , and there was nothing he would not do to make the Russian Empire the greatest the world had ever known .
11 Previously a runner could choose to make the 900 foot ascent on the same direct route as the descent .
12 For example , if there is a single optical disk emulating a normal disk drive ( but write-once only ) , the offline manager may choose to make the optical disk for primary stores and some other large magnetic disk for secondary stores .
13 Only operators able to fill their trains could expect to make a reasonable profit .
14 There were at least a dozen big-wave specialists on the North Shore who , if the Eddie Aikau were actually to be held , could reasonably expect to make a small fortune .
15 Do n't expect to make a speculative fortune with old jewellery , but it is fun to collect and should hold its price , whereas you 'll be lucky to get half your money back on anything bought in a shop .
16 Our flexibility , specialist knowledge and contacts mean we can tailor make the exact holiday you want .
17 Or do you plan to make a quick exit ? ’
18 We are already too stretched , and the law does not give us automatic ex access to time off for training , but we have got to ask , and we should commit the G M B to lobby for an extension of existing laws , and to lobby for various E C funds , and then we can begin to make a real impact on the environment .
19 It was in these conditions that such amicable and intimate connections as existed between the two societies could begin to make a positive contribution , notably by facilitating and deepening the interchanges between policy-makers .
20 Would you like to make a small report on that , Mr Vanbrugh ?
21 As a cyclist myself , I should like to make a personal request : if you should find it necessary to use a tractor-mounted flail hedge trimmer to cut the hedges please could you ensure that the hawthorn clippings are swept up and removed and not left in the road as a danger to cyclists .
22 I would like to make a slight amendment .
23 Music and horse racing are Quinn 's great passions outside football and when his playing days are over he would like to make a new career on the turf .
24 Would you like to make a gracious acknowledgement of that er you know suitably modest , Norman .
25 Would you just like to make a brief statement of clarification .
26 If at the end you feel there are points we have n't covered and I forget to invite you , would you say you would like to make a concluding statement .
27 Following various letters and telephone conversations with yourself and with Mr Clegg from your department , I should now like to make the following request from Wyre Borough Council Leisure Services Committee .
28 Following various letters and telephone conversations with yourself and with Mr Clegg from your department , I should now like to make the following request from Wyre Borough Council Leisure Services .
29 The next step will be to draw up a set of criteria which personnel users new to computing , or the experienced user representing their interests , can use to make a sensible choice .
30 Apparently this was the wont of the original Lazy Lawrence , a lackadaisical labourer who would avoid making an extra trip if he could .
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