Example sentences of "[vb infin] so [adv] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Conservatives would not always win under the electoral system of 1918 , but they would rarely do so badly as to allow anyone else to win .
2 They are advised that they are potentially highly infectious when the ulcers are present and should refrain from intercourse ( should they cent of patients who develop genital herpes go on to have recurrent attacks , and in only a small proportion of these do the attacks occur so frequently as to disrupt life appreciably .
3 He had my lord 's entire confidence — indeed it is hard to credit that anyone could change so radically as has my uncle . ’
4 She did n't go so far as to give me her telephone number , but I prudently copied it from the instrument at a point during the interview when she was distracted : when one of Brenda 's children had somehow slipped into the room to find a drum stacked halfway down a pile of similar toys .
5 It is important that constituents should be able to consult us about confidential matters , but surely we should not go so far as to give comfort to murderers and bombers , as has been suggested .
6 ‘ Produce your bit of paper , ’ he rapped out , ‘ and , although I wo n't go so far as to give your eventual marriage my blessing , at least I 'll let it run its natural course .
7 I 've heard it repeated on the radio recently and even the Secretary of State did n't go so far as to use the ninety percent figure but was talking about the seriously mentally ill and the not so seriously mentally ill .
8 Christine Brooke-Rose does not go so far as to disavow authorial creativity altogether , but she too sees technology as the possible key to a breakthrough in how we think about the human subject .
9 Even Amabel could not go so far as to trouble Gemma .
10 I 'd say more than that , in fact I 'd go so far as to mention the name of Blanche Ingram and the word , marriage .
11 Because of his Cartesianism , Malebranche could not go so far as to say that material objects were not really extended or in motion , but Pierre Bayle had argued that such restraint was unjustifiable .
12 Even now , I would not go so far as to say it is a bad staff plan ; after all , it enables a staff of four to cover an unexpected amount of ground .
13 Indeed , I would go so far as to say that a doctor who continued treatment past this point would be behaving at least unethically , if not unlawfully .
14 Dhanraj began by stating unequivocally that she saw film-making as a tool for socio-political challenge ( she would not go so far as to say change ) and that documentary was best suited to this purpose .
15 Tape Worm : I 'm normally very polite and hardly swear , but I 'd go so far as to say that Tape Worm is one ugly ( Censored ! — Ed ) .
16 In fact , I would go so far as to say that there is almost a feeling of relief here that Clause 28 is associated with someone so widely discredited .
17 Expansion and contraction of awareness may be interdependent , so that ‘ Be aware ’ would not , for example , pronounce waking good but sleeping bad ; when exhaustion is blurring awareness one can go so far as to say ‘ You ought to go to sleep ’ , although only for the sake of waking with refreshed awareness tomorrow .
18 Some of us might go so far as to say that the Genesis account of creation is not literal history but myth in Lewis 's sense .
19 Bill : I do n't know if anybody feels they have , but this is a thing which I felt was central to the gay movement of the seventies and I think I would go so far as to say that I assume that most of my close friends feel , like Mark , that it 's fine to have special relationships but it is n't fine to have ones where you are n't allowed to have anything else and also that there 's nothing more deadly to a relationship when you are trying desperately not to have it off with anybody else because you feel guilty about it .
20 But must we go so far as to say that the USSR will not resort to force unless she is certain to get away with it ?
21 We might even go so far as to say that amplification of deviance among one group rather than among another could simply be due to chance .
22 We might almost go so far as to say that Lyly has embroidered an elaborate garment round the simple idea " Euphues was a young coxcomb " .
23 I 'd even go so far as to say I 'm falling in love .
24 Indeed , one might even go so far as to say that , were it not for the ‘ discovery ’ of Siberia 's seemingly inexhaustible resources of ‘ soft gold ’ , that is , an abundance of fur-bearing mammals — in particular the highly-prized sable — the Muscovite government would have been without the economic foundation for the growth of its political power .
25 ‘ I 'd go so far as to say I was very impressed .
26 The best Ford simulator yet , in fact I will go so far as to say that they could not bring another one out to top this one .
27 I would go so far as to say that one of the main reasons why there are fewer casualties among pedestrians and particularly children in countries such as West Germany is that that country has more flexibility in the use of speed limits .
28 So I think it 's easy to see that religion fulfils this civilizing socially controlling role , but of course , this has been a popular theme in sociological writing in the course of the twentieth century , indeed , you could go so far as to say this , it is has become a cliche , in twentieth century social science .
29 Though I could n't go so far as to say that service was included as all the waiters seemed interested in was getting the lights off so they could dance with Sorrel .
30 You can go so far as to say that any words which produce good music constitute a good libretto .
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