Example sentences of "[vb infin] its [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , the board of the selling company must consider its responsibilities to the company , its shareholders , its employees and , where insolvency is a possibility , its creditors .
2 A staff function should be positioned so that it can funnel its services to the organisational levels who may be the public face of the organisation to outside groups .
3 This project will now generalise its findings to the graphical teaching of more powerful logics and to the choice of media of expression in the design of computer interfaces .
4 Japan would " monitor its exports to the EC as a whole in accordance with a forecast level of exports in 1999 of 1,230,000 [ cars ] , based on the assumption of demand in the EC of 15,100,000 " in that year .
5 President Carlos Salinas de Gortari has said on many occasions , in his campaign for a free-trade agreement , that if Mexico can not send its products to the United States , it will send its people instead .
6 Labour will limit its protests to the predictable press conferences .
7 Finally , it provides that ‘ the state which makes the preliminary enquiry … shall promptly report its findings to the said states and shall indicate whether it intends to exercise jurisdiction ’ — in other words , whether to prosecute or extradite .
8 Reminds you of the US Interstate Highway system and the way it instantly snarled as soon as Washington residents tried to exit en masse during the riots of the late 1960s , does n't it … that blizzard coming on top of the New York World Trade Center bombing was just the kind of disaster the disaster recovery industry has been dreading : according to the New York Times , a heavy accumulation of snow caused the roof of the computer centre in Clifton , New Jersey that supports 5,000 automatic teller machines US-wide , 6% of the total , to collapse , putting the machines out of action — and the centre could n't transfer its operations to the North Bergen , New Jersey site where it had disaster recovery facilities arranged — because the site was full up with work transferred by Trade Center tenants …
9 Iceland says that when it resumes commercial whaling , as it intends to do , it will withdraw its objections to the cull grenade ban .
10 After the consultation period has ended the NRA will submit its proposals to the secretary of state for the environment , who will set the standards and decide on necessary improvements .
11 If agreement is reached , Reed will sell its interests to the other three parties , who will also take over responsibility for Reed 's guarantees .
12 The government can no longer close its eyes to the health facts .
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