Example sentences of "[vb infin] from the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The paid friend may well act from the impure motive that ‘ the customer is always right ’ !
2 There is still a possibility the club could resign from the Northern League before Tuesday 's deadline .
3 I agree with him and I would resign from the Conservative Party if it were anything else .
4 But others of us who were Governors were so opposed to it that we all said we 'd resign from the governing body if the school did opt out .
5 Readers of The National Trust Magazine will know from the annual summary of the Trust 's financial position how much more difficult it is becoming to find the resources required to carry out the Trust 's broad conservation responsibilities .
6 Eventually the scarp will retreat from the original position of faulting and it may be buried by sediment .
7 If you find a swim where you can trot down you could end up with a good bag of dace as large , individually , as those you may catch from the main river .
8 The optimality theory states that an increase in a is good , as the subjects can always ignore the increased probability of lower prices ( as they should not be selling at those low prices anyhow ) and can profit from the increased probability of higher prices .
9 Perpetuation of this system would have meant , as we can predict from the above reasoning , that when the nation 's sewers finally collapsed , having been built in the last century , a huge financing requirement would have been forced upon the industry .
10 They may even drive on occasions but must not deviate from the agreed route except where reasonable to protect the child .
11 The operator may deviate from the listed procedure because it may require excessive moving about or because he is interrupted by the requirements of other tasks .
12 They are people dedicated to seeing that corporate goals and cultures do not deviate from the chosen path .
13 The research will thus deviate from the common run of ‘ community ’ studies which have hitherto been the main focus of anthropological research on ethnic minorities in Britain .
14 On Dec. 27 government spokesperson Yuan Mu was hissed at during a packed meeting with Beijing University students on current events when he said that China would not deviate from the socialist road , despite current events in Romania [ see pp. 37104-05 ] .
15 During the talks in Hanoi Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Le Mai urged the lifting of the US trade embargo against Vietnam , but Solomon insisted that the USA would not deviate from the four-point path to normalization outlined in April 1991 [ see p. 38149 ] .
16 Within this realm the stuff of dreams and nightmares can coalesce from the very air .
17 A House of Commons Select Committee found that local authorities had a considerable amount of discretion over what to include in or exclude from the secular curriculum .
18 Fr Anthony , who will speak from the multi-cultural perspective of the Caribbean , is currently involved in postgraduate work on St Lucia 's Nobel Prize winner for Literature , Derek Walcott .
19 For example , the horse may generalise from the social structure of its own herd , the pecking order , as a guide of how to relate to us .
20 I will refrain from the obvious comment , and merely state that Air Force food was usually good , if a bit basic , and we came off better in that department than civilians .
21 No , the suspense novel does inherit from the traditional detective story that element of mystery ( though this need not involve a murder and the mystery of who committed it ) , but it does not at all inherit the need to have a battle of wits with the reader .
22 People could borrow from the social fund , he said , and get money that was interest-free , but money was taken from their income support immediately , even though that support was meant to be the lowest level of income on which one could cope .
23 They receive a substantial annual budget from central government coffers , they may borrow from the national loan fund for commercial purposes and they can make use of the proceeds from land sales .
24 Customers can choose from the wide selection of knitwear on offer or have a design made specially for them in the style , size and colour of their choice .
25 Delegates could choose from the whole range of subjects throughout but the Dance Section had such a wide variety of topics and practical workshops that it hard to find time to fit everything in .
26 ‘ Traders can choose from the daily menu which may include Chinese or Indian dishes , pizza or pastas , traditional English cuisine or healthy choices .
27 If these complex changes over time in the relationship between general improvements in attainment , social bases of recruitment and expanded further educational opportunities are not taken into account , the general improvement can appear from the fixed position of an employer as a decline in standards .
28 Schönhuber manoeuvred around the ‘ old Nazi ’ tag , while making plain that not only was he proud to have been in the Waffen SS , but that there was indeed something worthwhile that Germans could salvage from the Nazi era .
29 ‘ It had become necessary to dispel these doubts so that , with full trust restored , South Africa 's people could benefit from the technological development that has taken place as a result of this process . ’
30 He justified the appeal by claiming that the smugglers had done much for the town 's " smugglers cove " image and that the town would benefit from the resultant increase in tourist trade .
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