Example sentences of "[vb infin] in [adj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If monks could act in such a way , tormenting relics , it was hardly surprising that ordinary people resorted to spells and superstitious practices .
2 Both Conservatives and Labour refused to commit themselves as to how they would act in such an eventuality .
3 We accept then that , responsibility or no responsibility , commission or no commission , prices may behave in such a way that profits rise faster than a certain rate , that rate being the rate at which incomes other than profits — or perhaps incomes including profits ? — are increasing .
4 It was something that Harriet had particularly noticed and which made her both angry yet hopeful : angry that her daughter could not or would not always behave in such a way and hopeful that perhaps some day Liza would come to her senses and throw off the mask of invalidism behind which Harriet felt sure she was hiding .
5 Why would they behave in such a fashion ? ’
6 It was unthinkable that two vibrancers could behave in such a manner .
7 In Chapter 10 we explained that only one private firm could survive in such an industry .
8 There were only a handful of other people in the library reference section ; the normal air of peace and quiet one would expect in such a place seemed to have become an unnatural silence .
9 ‘ Gina , ’ said Carlo reproachfully , ‘ how can you speak in such a way ? ’
10 Chives will grow in such a situation , and their narrow , tall shape does not take up much room even if it is vertical .
11 However , early on , as he introduced the superposition principle , Dirac would break in half a piece of chalk .
12 If the defendants should succeed in such an application , upon the ground that a verdict and judgment for libel in favour of the council , as a local government authority , would constitute a breach of article 10 , it would be for this country to decide whether to leave the law as it would , on that hypothesis , have been declared to be , or to change it to avoid the risk of repetition .
13 I 'd often wondered what I 'd do in such a position , but it was simple .
14 Hobbes outlines how the methodical procedures of resolution and composition will result in such a science .
15 British Telecom produced evidence which differed from that of the Ministry of Defence and which clearly highlighted the fundamental conflict of views which can occur in such a merger .
16 No , he could not believe in such a God .
17 ‘ Askeo ’ means to train , exercise , endeavour , and Paul exhorts Corinthian Christians to ‘ run in such a way as to get the prize . ’
18 There were no grounds for assuming that the capitalist state would work in such a way as to meet the needs of the system .
19 ‘ Ah well , it was not meant that I should work in such a parish , ’ said Randolph .
20 Even now , many factories employ varying proportions of these two other groups alongside Asian women , but a white man would almost never work in such a place except as a supervisor .
21 The major part of the nominee 's work must have been carried out in an academic institution in the UK or Republic of Ireland and the person must currently work in such an institution .
22 The major part of the nominee 's work must have been carried out in an academic institution in the UK or Republic of Ireland and the person must currently work in such an institution .
23 In order to accommodate its growing occupant , the shell must enlarge in such a way as to preserve its original form .
24 If not , are there any fish I could keep in such a pond ?
25 Quite often she would return in such a mess , all covered in mud .
26 Put it in the fridge to firm up for 2–3 hours and then remove and leave to set overnight : if you chill everything except the aspic in the freezer beforehand , the terrine will set in half an hour .
27 ‘ … left to itself the market will function in such a way as to cause great harm to the interests of young people , companies and taxpayers alike . ’
28 As an example , an octahedral d 7 ion with a filled t 2g ( lower ) set of d orbitals and a single electron in the doubly-degenerate e g upper set would distort in such a way that the e g levels split , such as by an elongation along the z-axis , giving a tetragonal ligand arrangement as in Fig. 6.26(c) .
29 Yet how do we decide in such a case what is compresent with what ?
30 McLean said : ‘ It really would be great if we could fit in such a match .
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