Example sentences of "[vb infin] a [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Bauwens will seek a retrial of a case that cost £250,000 over seven dramatic days at the High Court .
2 The bar of the Skein of Geese was the kind of drinking establishment Harry detested : fiddly little bowls of cashew nuts and olives littering every surface ; an effeminate barman who looked as if he would not know a handpump from a cocktail umbrella ; lighting so subdued a fellow could not see to count his change ; and a tape of Glenn Miller standards that made him positively nostalgic for the reception area 's bastardized Vivaldi .
3 I do n't know a bottle from a safety-pin . "
4 I do n't know a tup from a gimmer .
5 They 're for folks down South , who do n't know a lathe from a loom . ’
6 ‘ With a mother who is n't too strong and two great hulking brothers who do n't know a saucepan from a frying-pan , I 've had plenty of experience , ’ she told him .
7 Longuet did say that SGS-Thomson would need a link with an industrial partner to satisfy its long-term technical needs .
8 Longuet did say that SGS-Thomson would need a link with an industrial partner to satisfy its long-term technical needs .
9 To start with , you 'll need a cutting from a healthy , fully grown plant .
10 The si it 's all round the sides you do n't really need a top on a tank , it 's just the sides you want .
11 ‘ She 'll need a bit of a rest .
12 So do you think that erm when this law was erm pushed through in nineteen forty seven that er perhaps Mao you know well I think there 's been a bit of excess now , I think we 'll do some we just need , we just need a bit of a rush now just to take us through a bit and then we 'll stop it in a few months time .
13 Moreover , an older lady should need a companion for a much longer period than a girl on the catch for a husband .
14 ‘ Well , ye said yourself that thae new Suggs Lamps do n't need a mannie with a tinder pole . ’
15 Well then he rung up few weeks ago and he said to June , we 'll need a car for a week .
16 Sh she 'll need a hell of a lot of !
17 This letter outlines how we may assist a client with an acquisition search in the UK .
18 This example letter outlines how we may assist a client with an acquisition from overseas , involving acquisition search , targeting , approach and completion .
19 This example letter outlines how we may assist a client with an acquisition , involving acquisition search , targeting , approach and completion , ie a full deal management service .
20 Such , shu shut up money arrangements are never openly discussed , but the financial arrangements within the Duke and Duchess will include a contract with a silent clause .
21 A reference by the Director may include a proposal for a ministerial order dealing with the consumer trade practice , section 17 .
22 It now offers charting by way of Microsoft Graph and you can include a chart on a slide as you would any other graphics object .
23 Once things are more advanced , I might hope you could include a leaflet in a future mailing .
24 There is talk that Ziff Davis ' PC Magazine will include a review of a Compaq Pentium system on March 1 .
25 The search for a synthesis had angered supporters of the Shatalin plan , Yeltsin on Sept. 1 dismissing it as trying to " mate a hedgehog with a snake " , and adding his voice to the growing public clamour for Ryzhkov and his government to resign .
26 Yet Labour can not hope to control any debate at Westminster from which Scottish MPs are excluded , even if it should win a majority at a future election .
27 ‘ In what kind of a game do you win a death as a prize ?
28 The biotechnology companies would then directly buy a licence for a particular technique rather than negotiating with individual universities .
29 That way , you could buy a computer with a standard minimum memory ( with allowances for disk compression and other essential TSRs ) safe in the knowledge that all MS-DOS software would work within the memory confines of your machine .
30 you can buy a car without a ‘ cat ’ , but it costs more .
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