Example sentences of "[vb infin] and [verb] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was horribly afraid then that you must know and hate me for my disloyalty to Anthony . ’
2 ‘ So he can stay and assist me with my enquiries . ’
3 Little is known of his early life except for his recollection that at the age of nine or ten he ‘ did so offend the Lord that He did scare and terrify me with dreadful visions ’ , and that he was greatly afflicted at that time with thoughts of the Day of Judgement .
4 ‘ Look , do n't try and push me into anything , Julius .
5 ‘ I thought you might call and tell me about Donna , ’ Mrs Maybury went on .
6 I would be most grateful if you could recommend and advise me on the aforementioned , plus compressors .
7 But but if you if you wanted to er come and meet me from work we could go straight off somewhere then .
8 Oh , why did you come and disturb me like this ! ’
9 ‘ If this lady is having trouble she should come and tell me about it . ’
10 In another ten years they can come and visit me to their hearts ' content and I wo n't object .
11 His family used to come and stay for a week every year in a cottage across the dale and Martin would come and visit me on a regular basis .
12 You must come and visit me after the war and bring your Cornemuse . ’
13 " Oh boy , here we go again — you will come and visit me in the White House sometimes , Mother , wo n't you , so I do n't get too lonely there ? "
14 Better watch out now she 's gon na come and get me with this bloody thing !
15 Are you gon na come and put me to bed or are n't you ?
16 If he told Mr Jackson then he 'd come and take me to Combe Court , and I do n't want that .
17 ‘ But … but why did n't she come and take me with her ?
18 Sort of have it all over Who is it 's gon na come and see me on Monday ?
19 Her and Kate will come and see me at four o'clock and her and Kate will come and visit you .
20 The new plough will be ready any day now and already I 've had farmers come and see me about turning over both new and old ground for them .
21 But listen , you must come and see me after your journey .
22 ‘ Er — I was wondering if you could just come and help me for a moment ? ’
23 He might — he might come and fling me on the grass and rape me .
24 ‘ Why do n't you come and join me for dinner tomorrow evening , and I 'll tell you then . ’
25 Sturt was about to proceed upon a new expedition into the interior of Australia I beg to send for your perusal a Letter I have lately received from him and from which you will perceive that he has written to Lord Stanley ; as I know no one better fitted for such a purpose than this enterprising and persevering Gentleman I do hope the Government may be disposed to second his views ; perhaps , your Lordship , could obtain and favour me with some information on the subject ; from the manner in which you referred to him in your Letter I am led to believe that some arrangement has already been made ; pray say if such be the case .
26 I just do n't see how you can kiss and cuddle me in the department when nothing at all is going on between us , and then just as soon as there is , you switch it all off like a blasted tap ! ’
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