Example sentences of "[vb infin] they [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The curse of Ham could be used as an excuse to justify the enslavement of African negroes but that did not make them members of an entirely different species ; and anyway the American Indians were not even black !
2 ‘ That will make them pause for a while , ’ Jehana said , her tone satisfied .
3 Miners may strike in support of nurses , but that does n't make them fighters for the equality of women or for women as women .
4 Here , where it cut the highway , the steep bank of the river would give them protection from the full force of the hurricane .
5 Do n't give them time for the
6 When in Colossians 1:9ff Paul prays for Christians he has never met , his first request is that the Spirit would give them understanding of the Lord 's will for their lives ; then , that they should live their lives in accordance with that will by pleasing the Lord in everything ; then , that they should increase in their knowledge of God ; and finally , that they should be strengthened with all might according to the measure of his glorious power which should result for them as it did for Christ , not in arrogance but in patience and longsuffering .
7 NEWSAGENTS have rejected a move which would see them campaign for the restoration of capital punishment .
8 As my friend say , we did provide them facilities like the Port of Kuwait for the incoming foodstuff and material which Iraqui needed came through our ports and through our roads to their erm to Bahrain to Baghdad .
9 Galwey and Popplewell , and to an extent O'Hara and the much-maligned Francis , produced outstanding performances which , if repeated against Wales and England , could secure them tickets for the trip to New Zealand .
10 ‘ I guess you could call them orgies in the strictest definition , ’ he admitted .
11 That 's why I said to you do n't feed them titbits at the table because it 's so easy
12 ‘ Those who tell you their careers come first and do n't leave them time for a family , are simply making an excuse .
13 ‘ Those who tell you their careers come first and do n't leave them time for a family , are simply making an excuse .
14 The king would n't allow them time for a full consultation .
15 Now we know that gale-force winds in the Channel can topple sightscreens , we must put them upwind of the pavilion this winter , and build a new pavilion out of the insurance claim when they crash through the roof .
16 He would refuse them permission for a play .
17 In such a highly discouraging environment , female students were tempted to spend their college lives looking for ‘ Mr Right ’ , who could offer them companionship during the years of study and secure a good future afterwards .
18 All of us go and take our cars in to be serviced and what have you and nearly always get a sh piece of paper comes back and please will you tick them box on a Richter scale of nought to ten er and they are all the time trying to improve er customer satisfaction .
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