Example sentences of "[vb infin] he [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll need him to get the neural network back on line . ’
2 He seemed to hesitate , his face partly shadowed as the moon slid silently behind a cloud , leaving the boat in darkness , yet Fran could sense him studying the bruised swell of her lips , the faint tremble coursing through her body .
3 But that did not prevent him seeing the possible significance of what she had told him .
4 But I understand Graeme Souness could use him to replace the injured David Burrows .
5 And now Benn can claim he has the senior crown as the WBC title is regarded as more prestigious than the WBO version held by Eubank .
6 When of course you can see he wants the whole thing hushed up .
7 In our opinion his health will no longer enable him to sustain the heavy burdens inseparable from the office of Prime Minister .
8 He might decide to cross-examine both of us in an attempt to detect inconsistencies in our replies , or hope for some slip-up on our part which might enable him to make the correct identification .
9 There was no way to teach a man to read the Bible — a predominant intention in much early education in literacy — which did not also enable him to read the radical press .
10 But the fear that nagged MI6 's mind was that the Russians had captured Crabb alive and might produce him to tell the full story .
11 Besides , the words could be construed as flirtatious , and she did n't want him getting the wrong impression again .
12 He did n't ask or tell him to leave the Apache alone .
13 ‘ I suppose we are right to send you and Jeremy out to get Tristram rather than leave him to take the full consequences ? ’ he said reflectively , as he loaded her and her possessions into his car and took the wheel .
14 Everybody would be sitting there round the table having their Sunday dinner while down below them the kid would think he had the only important world to himself .
15 I could be wrong , but I do n't think he has the real thing in him .
16 Frankly , I do n't think he has the moral power or courage to stand up to Dublin and take Dublin on .
17 Satan was never wronged nor despised in Heaven ; the exaltation of the son was meant for the good of all the angels but he was so stupid his pride would not allow him to tolerate the unintentional insult .
18 My husband was a native New Yorker , and I could never get him to leave the Big Apple even for a holiday .
19 I said I 'd let him know the total number of , of contact days or whatever with Sherburn over the period so that is something I need to get from you Bill .
20 ‘ Then we must help him learn the proper way to behave , ’ said Anabelle simply .
21 His sources do not help him grasp the inconvenient fact that many young men actually enjoy warfare .
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