Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The formation of planetary systems and the size and chemical composition of each member are , then , remarkably regular : given a sun-sized star a computer generally comes up with a similar range of planets to that in the solar system , with small rocky planets closest to the star and the large gaseous ones further out ( due to the effects of gravity , orbits would later space themselves out along the lines of our own solar system ) .
2 She said she might as well chuck herself out of the window .
3 You 'll do yourself out of a job
4 The management er clearly desired to implement the scheme er with the minimum amount of frustration er to anyone , although you 've got to understand that as an engineer working a , a big milling machine for example , if someone comes along and said er , you know you could stand that job on its side different to what you 've got it at the moment , and you could do two faces instead of one you know , by turning the table and you know , by use of various tools er decrease the time factor , there was the , it was a fear that our members may work themselves out of a job .
5 ‘ He could n't sort himself out of a paper bag ! ’
6 It will no doubt sort itself out in a few days . ’
7 At present , Ann led and Megan followed , but that would sort itself out in the long run .
8 Both of them were wary , but at least Hayley did n't throw herself out of the window .
9 Hayley 's real father had turned up , demanding to take her home with him , and there were tears and tantrums from Hayley , who declared , as she frequently did , that she 'd throw herself out of the window .
10 Did she bail herself out in the end with over her money situation .
11 Did she bail herself out in the end with over her money situation ?
12 Many of the sonnets are wonderfully generous poems ; they give meaning and beauty ’ The generosity resides in the act of celebration , a process by which the Poet can fade himself out as an actor , reducing himself to the role of recording agent .
13 With this comforting thought Henry rang the doorbell , hard , and watched his wife heave herself out of the chair and stump through to the hall .
14 Will the criminal have to climb down from the roof ( in which case he ca n't take a lot with him ) , or can he go downstairs and let himself out of the house ?
15 wo n't put themselves out for the firm and it 's , it 's you know
16 Oxfam 's greatest wish on their fiftieth anniversary is that they can put themselves out of a job.But in the meantime they believe the problems of the third world can only be solved when the developed world understands .
17 People were run over by trains because they would stretch themselves out on the rails for a quick nap , or because they were drunk .
18 Will the vast sums of money which are being asked for by the Governing Bodies of Sport mean that they will price themselves out of the market or will television continue to pay as they compete for audiences ?
19 In short , to explore ways by which the BBC could pull itself out of the on-going financial crisis but , at the same time , to maintain the quality of the product .
20 We believe that , in that way , Britain can pull itself out of the slump and out of the recession into better times economically .
21 And if Mr. Birt does find himself out of a job , he could always try his luck as a timeshare salesman .
22 I told detectives that he had a pilot 's licence and could fly himself out of the country .
23 Again and again in the night hours she thought of him , of his aggression and of the barely veiled hint in his parting shot ‘ so long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ that for all she had , so far , gone along with everything he had decreed , she could still find herself out of a job if she did n't toe the line .
24 Even when the Canadians , British and Americans have reached a decision , Upjohn 's lawyers wo n't find themselves out of a job .
25 If I do n't agree then I could find myself out of a job ! ’
26 Dr Curtis expects him to stay there , so you may find yourself out of a job tonight . ’
27 ‘ Then very shortly you 'll find yourself out of a job . ’
28 You either go along with me until this is over or you could soon find yourself out of a job , although I suppose you could always see if Lewis had an opening for you on his paper . ’
29 ‘ And get yourself a good shoe designer and a good cutter , make your own shoes , begin an emporium instead of just importing and selling the leather , at least then you would not find yourself out on a limb in a man 's world . ‘
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