Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ideal needs integrity , however , for a citizen can not treat himself as the author of a collection of laws that are inconsistent in principle , nor can he see that collection as sponsored by any Rousseauian general will .
2 And if King Fahd refuses to have them there , then he can no longer present himself as the guardian , on behalf of the Muslim world , of the holy places .
3 The bestowal of a right upon a third party gives rise to expectations on the part of that third party that the parties will act in conformity with the treaty in their relations with itself ; without necessarily having made any commitment of its own it will see itself as the beneficiary of the exchange of promises between the parties .
4 She had lived her twenty-two years surrounded by life 's little luxuries , all the wonderful comforts that money could buy , and she did n't see herself as the sort of healthy , hardy girl who could endure too many minor inconveniences with a cheery smile .
5 This is a film trailer , she thought , and at any moment he is going to turn around and reveal himself as the hero , the hunted spy or the detective .
6 The last five years have seen the DUP establish itself as the voice of about half of the unionist population .
7 Can I propose yourself as the Chair of this Committee ?
8 Unsurprisingly , the court has held that a person charged with making an appointment can not validly appoint himself as the expert : Jones ( M ) v Jones ( R R ) [ 1971 ] 1 WLR 840 .
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