Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was an article of faith with this circle that women must free themselves from the erotic patronage of men .
2 Hobbes ' solution was , order must be imposed on a recalcitrant human nature , to make society possible , Rousseau 's theory was , if only people could be liberated from the things that makes them selfish , selfish and anti-social , they would come together in a natural social contract , where individuals would spontaneously give up their freedom , in order to gain the benefits of social cooperation , and Rousseau 's view was , if only people were , were fully rational , and could free themselves from the unfortunate effects of , of er civilization , they would enter into a state of erm , perfect society in which they could er , associate er without the , the necessity of things like the state or or whatever .
3 Masculine development did not detach itself from the nourishing mother .
4 The performers whom the young Elvis heard and learned from — gospel singers , blues men like Arthur Crudup , Bill Broonzy , Junior Parker and Howlin' Wolf , country and western stars such as Bob Wills , Hank Williams and Roy Acuff — were commercial artists ; they , like Elvis himself , did not separate themselves from the whole wash of music that was available .
5 She had n't eaten the spinach , and in doing so created a martyrdom ; now she must restrain herself from the agonizing satisfaction of telling Maman all the truth , thus getting Aunt Tossie into dreadful trouble .
6 Nor do I believe that it can be said that in no way can we disentangle ourselves from the religious myth which we have inherited .
7 And since the effect would be to put off the catastrophe indefinitely , since Capitalism could now continue by reason of policies which provided also a solution to the problem of unemployment , Empirical Socialism need no longer distinguish itself from the Marxist version solely by the method and pace of change , by being evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
8 Despite the earlier authors ' comments on the matter , at the moment of death the cat is not thinking of its human owners ' feelings , but simply about how it can protect itself from the terrifying , unseen danger that is causing it so much pain .
9 But to Dustin 's credit he recognised it as a role in which he could immediately dissociate himself from the whole ‘ image ’ concept of acting , as well as prove that , ‘ I was a character actor , not just this nebbish kid that Nichols found .
10 The dark hair inherited from her father was streaked with grey now , and when she wept , it would loosen itself from the neat coils in which she pinned it over pads called ‘ rats ’ every morning , as if in sympathy , and strands would creep down over her hands and cheeks .
11 Fewer and fewer Labour people can any longer distract themselves from the common assertion that Mr Kinnock is surrounded by men who are more able and winning than he is .
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