Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We can comfort ourselves in the knowledge that death must have supervened very quickly .
2 ‘ And I shall tell you , my Lord Coroner , how Edmund Brampton , steward to Sir Thomas Springall , did not hang himself in the garret of that house in Cheapside ! ’
3 When a woman has finished her menstrual period and has counted seven days when no fresh bleeding has been apparent , she must immerse herself in a mikva before sexual relations with her husband can resume .
4 A bride must immerse herself in a mikva before her wedding .
5 A woman who has given birth must immerse herself in a mikva before she can resume sexual relations with her husband .
6 Did Bonnie enjoy herself in the end ?
7 Before 18 months , a child wo n't recognise herself in the mirror and for a long time will describe herself in terms of attributes ( like smallness ) and her possessions .
8 I really did enjoy myself in the Tests last summer and know I can reproduce that form again . ’
9 That being so , ‘ I must immerse myself in the atmosphere of my homeland . ’
10 He says you can still go out and enjoy yourself in the sun but it 's important to wear a hat and protective clothing — and to avoid the sun altogether when it 's at its height .
11 Some years later he commented on this to Minton who gave an insight into their insouciance : draw in the morning , when fresh , he advised , so that you can enjoy yourself in the afternoon .
12 You will not respect yourself in the morning .
13 But she undercuts this realization with footnotes which describe similarities , but no differences , in the articulation of gender in homosexual relationships ; and which parallel the unconscious splits generated by discourses of gender , with those generated by racist discourses : ‘ When I made generalisations about women ( almost always derogatory ) , I did not include myself in the group I was talking about … .
14 When the appointed hour approached and we could see the visitors massing outside the glass doors at the end of the ward , waiting for opening-time , I would bury myself in a book to hide my pink eyes ; but they would none the less be drawn irresistibly to watch the passage of each visitor along the aisle while I thought babyishly , " Somebody might think to come . "
15 Whenever a person is confronted either with death or potential life , they must immerse themselves in a mikva in order to purify themselves spiritually .
16 The section does not specifically empower the policeman to give directions as to how the actor should conduct himself in the future ( as by leaving the spot ) .
17 We can lock ourselves in the basement , away from that bloody thing outside and until this Darkfall storm blows over . ’
18 Resentment will colour our attitude towards our partner and will show itself in a lack of respect and lack of desire to make love .
19 Now if children are unable to interpret the visual symbols and the written word , in order to make sense of them , there 's bound to be some reaction which will show itself in a sort of behavioural response which appears to be different from the responses we would receive from children who are able to interpret these words and symbols .
20 Therefore , the unwillingness of policemen to define their role in these terms does not show itself in a failure to perform these duties but as a judgement that it is ‘ really ’ the work of others .
21 It may show itself in the formation of groups with a hierarchical power structure , or as an outwardly driving force , such as is found in a hunting group .
22 Particularly this will show itself in the gift of availability to another , a conducive meeting-place , the courtesy of taking the phone off the hook , keeping confidences and having grace to forget as well as remember things people tell us .
23 The philanthropist Helen Bosanquet drew eagerly on the work of the French sociologist Frederick Le Play to argue that the ‘ stable family ’ with its male breadwinner was ‘ the only known way of ensuring with any approach to success , that one generation will exert itself in the interests and for the sake of another ’ .
24 She could busy herself in the garden till then .
25 Our highest and most serious imaginative inventions may show themselves in the medium of the arts .
26 Well I 'll go and lock myself in a hotel room next week .
27 He could see himself in the garden with Fraulein Simonis , investigating those dark eyes at closer quarters .
28 Typical of him , wrote a friend , was his willingness to ‘ clothe himself in the humility of a commoner 's gown ’ ( Oxford Magazine , 2 November 1917 ) .
29 Since it can not be known as a concept that will realize itself in the future , Sartre argues instead that the totality only produces itself in the moment : ‘ The incarnation as such is at once unrealizable except as totalization of everything and irreducible to a pure abstract unity of that which it totalizes ’ ( II , 58 ) .
30 A twenty-foot wing-span model powered by a steam engine of Henson origin , but much improved by Stringfellow , was tested in 1845 but could not sustain itself in the air .
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