Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In this way , though we do not rid ourselves of the ego , we do transcend it and make it softer and enable ourselves to see things calmly .
2 It is no doubt all to the good that we should rid ourselves of the delusion that our mortal bodies are inhabited by immortal souls , but , in claiming to be human beings , we are asserting our capacity for exercising moral choice and that implies moral responsibility .
3 First of all we must rid ourselves of the belief that punishment is wrong if it causes pain or inconvenience and does not have the full interest of the criminal at heart .
4 This was all quite accepted , but he could n't rid himself of the memory of his wife gazing blankly at the breakfast table with only the prospect of clearing it .
5 He was certain that Scarlet would never behave so irrationally but could not quite rid himself of the image of the breakfast table .
6 That was how he worked , but in this case he could not free himself of the notion that although Francis was the victim he might not be the central figure .
7 She had her own shame , and could not rid herself of the guilt that came from loving a man who was not hers to love .
8 For one thing , she had never worn a strapless dress before , and although the bodice was tight-fitting and well supported she could n't rid herself of the fear that the dress would go slithering to the floor at some critical moment , leaving her almost naked , like in a bad dream .
9 Unhappy with the Steads , where she was beaten with a leather strap for wetting the bed , Ruth found a happier relationship with another family , but she could not rid herself of the insecurity .
10 The Scots could not rid themselves of the English .
11 I reasoned like you , my lord , that they 'd rid themselves of the load , it would only slow them down .
12 " Every intelligent voter " in the country would avail himself of the opportunity proposed by Hare to enter their names on the ballot paper .
13 Furthermore , should the specified remedial works be carried out , and the odour emission continue , in any further proceedings , in respect of a statutory nuisance within s.92(1) ( c ) or s.92(1) ( d ) , the odour emitter could avail himself of the defence of best practicable means provided by s.94(4) and s.94(5) respectively .
14 The location of the offence can be proved by the officer in the case to show that the offender could not avail himself of the dwelling defence under section 5(2) and ( 3 ) .
15 He had mistakenly believed that total retirement from first-class cricket was necessary before he could avail himself of the pension fund for West Indies Test cricketers .
16 He cared enough about his loathsome , drunken and violent third wife , Mayo Methot , not to leave her until he knew she had gone to the furthest extremes to try and cure herself of the alcoholism that threatened to ruin both their lives .
17 She was good at hiding her emotions and she did her utmost to now avail herself of the talent .
18 When Malaysia turned attention to export promotion , local manufacturers eligible for export incentives ‘ did not avail themselves of the facility either because of ignorance or owing to the cumbersome procedures ’ ( Ariff and Hill , 1985 ) .
19 Yet most Dissenters did avail themselves of the relief afforded by the Declaration , and some eighty addresses of thanks were presented by various Nonconforming ministers and churches ; addresses even came in from the Quakers , who had refused to have anything to do with Charles 's Indulgence of 1672 .
20 A number of GRIST coordinating staff doubted whether arts teachers would avail themselves of the opportunity to comment on their INSET need , as GRIST , section 27. i. , requires .
21 Young people who have been caught in this trap have had no information given to them about this change and can not avail themselves of the choice of training like colleagues born on or before July 1 .
22 Resolved that this meeting concurs in Apinion [ sic ] with the said Committee — that it will be necessary to carry on the Business of this Institution as perfectly as possible , that there should be two Professors appointed & that as soon as the proposed plan for the College is executed , which , from the Encouragement already given , 't is hoped will be speedily accomplished — The members will avail themselves of the Offer made by the Committee and refer the Merits of Candidates for the second professorship to their investigation .
23 Why then did she not inform herself of the purport and effect of the transfer before signing it ?
24 Let us remind ourselves of the grounding formula for choices of ends :
25 At this season of the year we should remind ourselves of the parable that neighbours are not simply the people who live next door , rich friends , or even merely those with whom we agree .
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