Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She did not want to talk to her friend about Jamie , and she did not trust herself to hold a lengthy conversation with Bridget without mentioning his visit .
2 And secondly , if she did n't see what she thought she was going to see , she would n't trust herself to keep a straight face .
3 ‘ Dad 'll make himself look a great idiot if he goes up there , wo n't he , Mum ?
4 Each passenger is a different face of white colonialism : the overt racist who can not bring himself to use a Black doctor to treat his sick wife ; the hypocritical racist who secretly has an affair with his Black housekeeper ; the white liberal who alternates between ’ slumming ’ it with the natives , and living with the whites , not quite willing or able to give up his white privilege .
5 I could n't bring myself to tell a small boy of his age that his pet was probably going to die .
6 Perhaps it was a show of support for his disciplining of Gilchrist ; perhaps there was the feeling that Worrell had drifted away from the hub of West Indies cricket ; or perhaps once again the selectors simply could not bring themselves to appoint a black man .
7 The second list tells you which foods naturally contain those items — but remember , if you really can not bring yourself to eat a particular range of foods , it is always possible to take the lacking vitamin in tablet form .
8 Can you bring yourself to marry a poor doctor , be his wife , and share his burdens ?
9 Now she says she 'd like to do her own show , but points out , ‘ I ca n't ever see myself doing a pompous evening programme wearing a skirt and jacket . ’
10 Now Chancellor Norman Lamont will find himself facing a full-scale sterling crisis when he flies home from his Italian holiday next week .
11 Whatever happened , however far he was driven by forces outside his control , there was surely no way in which a man with only 67 12s. 9d. could find himself acquiring a delightful property or superior detached residence .
12 She could imagine herself choosing a likely house , watching for its inhabitants to be out , gliding into it , getting her hands around valuables — after all , she did know what was valuable and what was n't .
13 Couples in this kind of situation , suddenly confronted by each other 's moods , prejudices , foibles , and , indeed , continued presence day after day , may find themselves facing a great new emotional challenge at a time in life when they thought they knew everything they needed to know about their relationship .
14 Many observers supposed that the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 would force the Junkers to embark on a programme of liberalisation and reform lest they should find themselves facing a similar threat .
15 SCIENTISTS , doctors , lawyers , accountants , journalists , newsagents — indeed anyone who stores the names and addresses of business contacts on a personal computer or word processor — could find themselves committing a criminal offence if government plans for data protection , presented to the House of Commons this week , becomes law .
16 You may find yourself writing a large number of similar letters on a regular basis .
17 Do not deflect the opponent so that his open side faces you or you may well find yourself facing a powerful reverse punch fuelled by the fall forward .
18 If you are a consultant to a developing Mini-Enterprise you might find yourself spending a whole day in the school .
19 When you watch the video you will find yourself following a short story about a young girl , unsure just what the future will unfold for her , in her search for a career .
20 Occasionally agencies work under contract to one hospital or authority , and you may find yourself becoming a semi-permanent fixture in one post .
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