Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No doubt she will also enjoy herself with the best of our manhood . ’
2 Tarvaras was a quarantine world , cut off from contact with the rest of the universe by orbiting weapons platforms which were programmed to destroy any craft which did not identify itself with the appropriate recognition codes , and it had seemed unlikely that the civilian survey crew would be tempted to break the stringent regulations which applied to the situation .
3 ‘ Moreover , this class or fraction in charge of the state may or may not identify itself with the ruling class or fraction in the political scene ’ ( Poulantzas 1973 , p. 335 ) .
4 A people may or may not identify itself with the dominant culture .
5 By contrast , the failure to introduce new benefits , payments or services is a much blunter grievance : political opponents have only something hypothetical to discuss ; individual electors do not easily identify themselves with the deprived .
6 Yet there is also a less determinate area , in which artists devoted themselves to religious art not only , and sometimes not primarily , because this was the willed commission of their Immediate patron , but because they could identify themselves with the religious purpose of which the immediate social organization was the available manifest form .
7 That individuals prosecuted for sodomy did not necessarily identify themselves with the demonized sodomite of official discourse also lends credence to Foucault 's distinction between sodomy as a kind of behaviour , and homosexuality as a modern identity .
8 May I associate myself with the Prime Minister 's remarks about Queen Elizabeth II ?
9 They would ally themselves with the united Labour forces and afford the possibilities of developing a mighty Peoples Front which will bring down the National Government . "
10 The fact that our partner is of the opposite sex automatically means we must familiarise ourselves with the general information on the basic differences .
11 He had inched his way to the dark bathroom , and stood slumped over the sink , feeling lost , depersonalized , and trying to soothe or tether himself with the running water .
12 Much therefore depended on which brand of them would be returned and whether , as in the past , they would align themselves with the Conservative Party and accept its whip .
13 With respect to goods purchased from a non owner , this rule has been construed by the Swiss Supreme Court to mean that ‘ whenever the circumstances raise doubts as to the quality of the seller , the purchaser may no longer content himself with the mere appearance constituted by possession ; the purchaser must enquire into the seller 's capacity to convey property right ’ .
14 I must content myself with the last verse of a hymn in honour of St Bartholomew :
15 Even here , however , the separate heading is worth preserving , since modern style-studies can and do content themselves with the mere description of distinctive linguistic patterns , abstaining not only from relating them to external factors such as authors or literary movements , but also from attributing to them any specific literary function .
16 If Sister does n't get a move on , they could always content themselves with the shortest children 's story ever told .
17 Prospective mineral developers should acquaint themselves with the appropriate development plans .
18 Even more patchy is Deutsche Grammophon 's ‘ Mozart 's Masterpieces , ’ another set of reissues where the unwary consumer may find himself with the superb piano artistry of Maurizio Pollini for one concerto , but the rather less impressive playing of Friedrich Gulda for another .
19 An unskilled man taken on in such a partnership , might easily find himself with the smallest share on reckoning day , which was usually at the end of a two month term .
20 Brutus also says that he will also kill himself with the same sword as he killed Caesar with , when the country wishes him to .
21 Under the new system , the Little Hural would deal primarily with economic matters and " the supervision of the government " ; the Great Hural would concern itself with the fundamental issues in domestic and foreign policies .
22 But then a sociology of culture must also concern itself with the social relations of its specific means of production .
23 Although this may be obscured by the second phase of London Bridge City , if the Simpson scheme is constructed the directors of Marketplace could find themselves with the unlikely view of a replica of the Piazza San Marco in Venice .
24 The resultant pseudo-scientific arguments will then concern themselves with the meaningless question as to whether the fauna of the intervening strata pertain more to the stage below or to the stage above .
25 Fourth , residential workers should concern themselves with the personal self-worth of young people as future citizens , thereby giving equal value to the encouragement of intellectual , creative and social skills on the one hand , and success in personal and family relationships on the other .
26 You and your staff will maintain the well-established convention whereby ministers do not concern themselves with the detailed information which may be obtained by the Security Service in particular cases , but are furnished with such information only as may be necessary for the determination of any issue on which guidance is sought .
27 All this will be perfectly satisfactory to those who are willing to stop their analysis of conditioning at this level and who do not concern themselves with the detailed mechanisms that underlie the subject , s sensitivity to these various correlations .
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