Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] with [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nor do we easily associate ourselves with violent behaviour .
2 For busy housewives , Christmas can present itself with other problems — over-excited children and a million and one things to do .
3 You can pamper yourself with Marine Algae Hydrotherapy baths with underwater massage to relieve tired muscles , Blitz baths to boost circulation and Seaweed Envelopments to help reduce cellulite .
4 You should surround yourself with close friends — it will put you in a good mood for dealing with a financial matter .
5 In the following four sections we shall examine five different habits used by animals to avoid being eaten : potential prey may actively flee their predators , or they may stay still and try to be invisible , or they may stuff themselves with sickening chemicals and advertise their unpalatability with bright ‘ warning colours ’ , or they may mimic the warning colours of others , and finally , in some circumstances , an animal may make itself less likely to be eaten by living in a group .
6 Thereby did the diabolical Powers seek to mutate the substance of the universe and to destroy Man 's far-flung yet ultimately frail empire of sanity — a sanity that must needs defend itself with unrelenting savagery
7 It seems a good thing that she should occupy herself with these children next door .
8 They could also provide themselves with home-made clubs and teach themselves to play .
9 ‘ You 'd better mind yourself with this fellow .
10 ‘ In the coming stage , we will not suffice ourselves with mere slogans but we will embark on objective and responsible dialogue . ’
11 As to take home a copy of the appropriate operating and safety instruction leaflet , so you can familiarise yourself with these procedures .
12 Tutors and students undertaking study for these programmes should familiarise themselves with these regulations .
13 If her personality tends to be an obsessive one — if she is excessively devoted to tidiness and perfect order in every part of her life and home , a great maker of ‘ lists ’ for everything and a habitual ‘ double-checker ’ in all her activities — you may find that although she is grieving deeply , she may throw herself with remarkable zeal into the business of ‘ tidying up ’ her husband 's financial affairs and concentrating even more strongly on getting everything in the house cleaned and polished ; for this is the method used by most people who are inclined to be obsessional , to control their anxiety .
14 For our Christian message to grow and spread we have to learn to know and share ourselves with each other .
15 Before taking professional advice , the haulier should familiarize himself with basic facts about taxation , especially recent changes in the law .
16 A leading figure in the Arab world , sure that the Third World should not align itself with either superpower .
17 You can reward yourself with little prizes on the way to your ultimate goal .
18 In the poet 's idealized concept of nature man need not bother himself with arduous tasks or boring duties , nature is there to provide for him and nothing more .
19 The pain which is manifest in all the muscles and sinews of the body … does not express itself with any violence either in the face or in the position as a whole .
20 Power Parallel , on the other hand , will content itself with multi-chip versions of the current RS/6000 chip Rios , Filip said .
21 It had taken her four years to get over him ; four years to get to the point where she could tell herself with some conviction that she had shaken off the last of the memories and was really ready to get on with her life .
22 In cichlids this seems to pose no particular problem , perhaps because the average female cichlid will content herself with any mate if an appropriate one is not available .
23 ‘ They feel they can distinguish themselves with greater transparency between PS/2s , AS/400s and mainframes , with less translation and overhead .
24 You should acquaint yourself with any material that is provided about the authority .
25 He is quite determined to master the art of the coracle , though as Comptroller of the Queen 's Household he need not concern himself with such trivialities .
26 While some use will be made of an article on early ensemble direction by David Camesi , it is the case that the author did not primarily concern himself with French evidence .
27 As a result , a nation could find itself with huge quantities of substances which it does not need — which is precisely the American experience .
28 A graduate of Exeter College , Oxford , Tolkien had read Classical Mods and then done a version of the English course which was rigidly philological , and did not concern itself with post-medieval literature .
29 First and foremost has been the belief that the European Economic Community should primarily concern itself with economic matters .
30 It is perhaps as well that the British Library does not concern itself with such phenomena , but the absence of the raw material means , again , that it can not be studied properly at what is the centre of literary culture par excellence .
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