Example sentences of "[vb infin] [indef pn] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We do n't need everybody to go on that
2 Is not that the most open admission yet that , despite the honeyed words of the Secretary of State for Scotland , he has done nothing , is doing nothing and will do nothing to intervene in any way to help to save the Ravenscraig plant ?
3 But these new developments in AI should give pause to those philosophers who complain that AI can have nothing to say about bodily skills , and so is questionably relevant to human and animal forms of life .
4 Trust me when I say you should have nothing to do with such drivel — make like a tree and leave it .
5 In a feeble effort at self-preservation , I put up one arm to ward off a blow , but the arm fell down as if it would have nothing to do with such an idea .
6 But Lewis would have nothing to do with such futile speculation : ‘ She was tired , sir .
7 They would have nothing to do with recognised ‘ sinners ’ such as tax-collectors because they considered them to be immoral .
8 The DO at that time assured his superiors that these Masai were highly unrepresentative : the ‘ Masai tribe as a whole will have nothing to do with political agitators ’ .
9 British trade unionism had found itself again after the traumas of the interwar years ; and it would have nothing to do with new-fangled ideas of socialist planning .
10 I 'm against some sorts of professionalization , but it would be silly to think that the university should have nothing to do with any profession .
11 Lord Palmerston sent for me and told me in a jaunty way that he would have nothing to do with this Gothic style , and that though he did not want to disturb my appointment he must insist on my making a design in the Italian style which he felt sure I could do as well as the other .
12 RINGO Starr is going back on the road , but unlike his fellow former Beatle , George Harrison , his performances will have nothing to do with Transcendental Meditation , writes James Delingpole , Arts Correspondent .
13 When he applied to one college for a teaching job he was told bluntly they would have nothing to do with blind people .
14 Elderly people pay for this according to their income , which has to be declared in full , but those on very small incomes may have nothing to pay at all .
15 How did Simon have owt to do with that ? ’
16 Jerome would have something to say about that .
17 Mind you , Sunderland , of course , could have something to say about that at Hillsborough tomorrow afternoon .
18 ‘ The small traders will have something to say about that . ’
19 My hon. Friend the Minister of State will no doubt have something to say about that to European Community colleagues this weekend .
20 The National Farmers Union would certainly have something to say about that .
21 The West Indians and Pakistanis could have something to say about that .
22 I shall have something to say about original boards a little later .
23 ‘ The War Office will have something to say about this . ’
24 I suspect I will have something to say about this when we meet again . ’
25 I know that my hon. Friend will have something to say about this matter and I shall give way to him later .
26 Anne , you might have something to say on this ?
27 He 'd have something to say after sixteen .
28 ‘ It could have something to do with that fight in the bar , though .
29 Er yeah I think it will have something to do with that , yeah .
30 ‘ Did n't you have something to do with one of those Maguire girls ?
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