Example sentences of "[vb infin] [indef pn] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His opening 76 in reality had been his practice round because of his late arrival , and he could make nothing of the greens in his outward 36 yesterday , starting at the tenth .
2 A High Court judge said they would earn nothing from the book , if convicted .
3 To make people think someone in the Martin family was the informer .
4 They would prefer someone in the age range 25 — 45 .
5 ‘ You could throw someone off the Stoney Creek bridge — that 's a high curved bridge over Roger 's Pass .
6 How does it make someone like a woman who has just had an abortion feel having to go to a lavatory to express her grief in tears ?
7 If you run a high-profile , fancy campaign it will alert everyone to the fact that they should be voting and the proportion in your favour could shrink rapidly , It may be better to run a low key affair targeted directly at your own supporters .
8 Possibly because the French Federation may actually know nothing about the game .
9 In fifty minutes or so , you will have an extraordinary experience : you will know nothing of the baglady to begin with , but you will know everything you need to know by the end .
10 When his own practice begins he will find that his clerk has arranged conferences for him , and before the conference he will often know nothing of the questions that are likely to be put to him .
11 He 'd need someone as a safety valve — you fit the bill . ’
12 You 'll need plenty in the struggle that lies ahead . ’
13 Brian did not like parties , according to Alix , and had expressed fears that he would know nobody at the Headleands ' , but this was not so , for he had already engaged himself with his habitual courtesy with old Sir Anthony .
14 Erm , clearly we 've got enough op , it would seem that if we could recruit somebody for the rest of this year , and er which would help us get our times down , if in if in fact we were able to recruit somebody who was instantly productive , which is not all that likely .
15 Twenty-four hours ago her life had seemed straightforward and uncomplicated , and now she was staying with a family she did n't know , invited to a wedding where she would know none of the guests — and extraordinarily attracted to a man with blue eyes .
16 Meanwhile , Unix System Labs , which has a good server story but may lack something on the desktop end like applications , is reportedly trying to get Quorum interested in Destiny .
17 Recording a verdict of accidental death on Johnathan and his father , Cheshire 's deputy coroner , John Pollard , said : ‘ This is one of the few occasions when we can genuinely describe something as a tragedy .
18 Recording a verdict of accidental death on Johnathan and his father , Cheshire 's deputy coroner , John Pollard , said : ‘ This is one of the few occasions when we can genuinely describe something as a tragedy .
19 On this point , the head considers the project-inspired developments to have " taken off " at a pace which he had never envisaged : I think it 's been the instigator for a lot of cross-curriculum things which I did n't really anticipate ; I thought it might have been instigator for the sort of subject-based problems that would either stimulate something in the subject or the subject could actually move to the library and it 's obviously worked faster on the cross-curriculum aspect .
20 I do n't know one from the other by name .
21 In the second appeal , the tape clearly did demonstrate something about the gruffness and depth of the accused 's voice which could not have been gleaned from the transcript .
22 More than seventy-five years later , we are still working out their implications and trying to combine them in a unified theory that will describe everything in the universe .
23 Although baby universes may not be of much use for space travel , they have important implications for our attempt to find a complete unified theory that will describe everything in the universe .
24 : 25mm x 5mm ( 1in x ¼in ) by the width of the blind less 20mm ( ¾in ) ; you will need one for the base of the blind and one for each channel .
25 I thought we could hang something on the fact that one of the most enduring sexual icons of the age was in fact what today would be called — uh — big . ’
26 In oriental rugs , every knot — which corresponds to two individual strands of pile — is tied by hand , and a skilled weaver can tie something in the region of a thousand knots per hour .
27 ‘ They 'll let you know everything on the ward , ’ she replied with a smile .
28 But do you know everything about every part of the plant ?
29 You can know everything about a person , and know them for years , and still be miles away from them .
30 Thus teachers , on one side , can know everything about the technicalities of curriculum , pedagogy , the use of resources and professional standards .
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