Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We could throw in quite a lot of er , extra manure .
2 Well , she would stay down here a bit longer , then .
3 Could you hang on just a couple of minutes ?
4 Would you would you hang on just a minute ?
5 Could you hang on just a minute do n't go away just stay there hold on .
6 You disgu I do that hang on just a minute do n't go away .
7 Can you hang on just a minute got to take a quick break do n't go away just a minute .
8 The brown headed ones were tough and could stand any amount of thrashing and the head would hang on quite a while by a mere thread .
9 Could you buy in quite a bit of fresh fish , say ten portions if you plan to have ten fish meals in a month , so that there is always good healthy protein food available as a base for a meal ?
10 The number of people aged 16 to 19 will fall by about a quarter by 1994 .
11 But if predictability broke down in the very strong gravitational fields in the big bang , it could also break down whenever a star collapsed .
12 Yes , it 's just that quite right , we have n't got a fund , a major fund raising event now until July , unless anything else of , you know , smaller crops up and our two street collections we know will bring in quite a lot of money .
13 ‘ I had thought so but recently he hinted at another asset he hoped to dispose of that would bring in quite a lot of money .
14 ‘ When he first told me , I tried to understand him and agreed he could dress up once a week at home .
15 No not at all , er for the nerve gas tabun for example , if you had a litre of that , and you 've only got to look at erm a container of milk to see how little that is , er on a very busy day in London , that could possibly wipe out about a quarter of a million people .
16 Let's move on just a bit .
17 Even when doubled the Funds will take up only a quarter of the EC budget and will approximately amount to something in the order of 4 per cent of the total estimated aggregate gains from completing the SEM .
18 On the whole I think she can struggle on just a bit longer … ’
19 So if you take the first one immediately before you go to bed , if your blood pressure does go down rather a lot , it does n't matter cos you 're lying down , you 'll
20 I can not say precisely when I expect him to return , though I should suppose in about a week from now . ’
21 It will go up quite a lot .
22 Nevertheless Murphy should end up comfortably a millionaire once the earn-out is complete next year .
23 Well yeah you do , you ca n't end up quite a lot of it
24 The ‘ country of the Iguanodon restored ’ is very different from Victorian Sussex ; the strange light which picks out the struggling animals also reveals how many tons of animal life the artist believed that the primeval world could support on quite a small area-as later dinosaur pictures always tend to do .
25 So when when they bring the cassettes back I find it easier because you can get in quite a rush at times and you ca n't keep up with .
26 But neither should he allow in only a handful of those who are being persecuted in what used to be Yugoslavia .
27 Children who never went to school at all would pick up quite a lot of immediately useful knowledge ; from television and radio , moreover , they might acquire quite a lot of not obviously useful , relatively esoteric bits of information , about history , for example , or natural history .
28 And , Sarella , I suggest you go without making any waves — I can get up quite a case against you .
29 to the staff then that they volunteer one night and we do thir , and wa , you would come up once a week every thirty two weeks to man the library one night a week
30 " Blackberry , " he said , " can you come back here a moment ? "
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