Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] a more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The enormous contribution made throughout history — particularly in the arts — to society by homosexuals should surely make for a more tolerant and sympathetic understanding than to refer with such scorn to Wilde 's ‘ abnormal and filthy practises ’ .
2 Some of the procedures of discourse analysis will make for a more profound examination of this process .
3 I promise it will make for a more positive atmosphere around you .
4 Few performers would be entirely happy touring the country as , say , Oswald Mosley , although it might make for a more interesting evening dramatically .
5 But Richard Ingham , managing director of Beacham Peplow Noakes Advertising says he would opt for a more down-to-earth approach .
6 It was a silent final , one of the decisive points being David Smith 's decision to quietly take an easy single at the fourth end rather than wait for a more decisive 2 at the later end .
7 China could only wait for a more favourable opportunity to recover her rights .
8 She did n't know of a more loving couple than her mum and dad .
9 He will have a certain power and extensive influence , and his Queen will fall into a more supporting role .
10 On the other hand , Risk was seen as being a possible focus for dissent on the Board , as someone who would interfere with hard decisions that might have to be made about Distillers , and who would , therefore , behave in a more executive role than had been envisaged , rather than as a figurehead .
11 I 'll try and behave in a more grown-up fashion … "
12 ‘ Now , Adam , ’ she re-entered the kitchen with her chin tilted defiantly upward and a challenging glint in her tawny eyes , ‘ what 's so important that it could n't wait till a more reasonable time of day ? ’
13 ‘ And I ca n't think of a more appropriate place for you . ’
14 And erm Milly said ha ca n't think of a more suitable candidate and swept off !
15 I can not think of a more patsy , unquestioning system better designed to produce the cosy relationship about which the hon. Gentleman so frequently speaks .
16 ‘ I ca n't think of a more opportune time , ’ said the Loremaster .
17 But there is no question so difficult that Mr Kinnock can not think of a more difficult answer .
18 ‘ Can you think of a more compelling reason ? ’
19 It may involve three or more subjects studied separately but in parallel , as in the Scottish general degree or some polytechnic/college ‘ combined studies ’ degrees ; or it may integrate several subjects in relation to some area , period , theme or problem , in which case it may be called interdisciplinary ; or it may consist of a more open , modular system of requirements and options .
20 And of a truth vile Epicurism and Sensuality will make the soul of man so degenerate and blinde , that he will not only be content to slide into brutish immorality , but please himself of this very opinion that he is a real Brute already , an Ape , Satyre , Baboon ; and that the best of men are no better , saving that civilising of them and industrious education has made them appear in a more refined shape , and long inculcate precepts have been mistaken for connate Principles of Honesty and Natural Knowledge , otherwise there be no indespensible grounds of Religion and Virtue , but what has hapned to be taken up by overruling Custome .
21 Occasionally the demands of senior politics and junior fun could clash in a more direct way .
22 However , you may benefit from a more stimulating , uplifting aroma .
23 Computer Easy Draw is a competitively priced drawing package for use with Windows 3.0 and 3.1 , and has many of the features you would expect from a more expensive program , plus easy to use animation software .
24 Also from selected Victoria Wine stores is a sauternes in half-bottles with all the creamy , nutty complexity you might expect from a more elevated chateau , a snip at £2.99 .
25 It still represents a cost to the Exchequer and a loss of potential output , but it can be argued that it is not particularly distressing to the people concerned and , for the economy as a whole , it may actually result in a more efficient use of labour : this is because high short-run unemployment may be a reflection of greater mobility of labour between jobs and areas and consequently may result in the labour force being more suitably and productively employed .
26 Not only does this result in a more palatable food but the extrusion process makes the food more digestable and therefore more nutritious .
27 Your Board is confident that the plan for restructuring the Group will result in a more streamlined , flexible and dynamic organisation and it is intended that it be carried through as fast as possible .
28 ‘ We very much regret these redundancies but overall the reorganisation will result in a more targeted and focused research effort .
29 You were often surprised that that same assumed frailty might result in a more human , more tolerant superior .
30 Although ethnicity is not coterminous with regional or racial origin , both may contribute to a more general sense of distinctiveness with which a sense of linguistic distinctiveness is often associated .
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