Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Are all children and me , and adults who have been baptised members of the church ? is not or you 'll be actually encouraged or pressured to misinterpret the membership or should we wait for them to be informed er er , to wait for them to , to feel the ?
2 The 1910 dispute , which is particularly well documented in the press as well as in manuscript sources , enables us to see that on this occasion at least , the women did not stand by and wait for it to be resolved over their heads .
3 I ca n't wait for us to be together . ’
4 injury due to affect the hall itself , E G the floor tile , it is likely that the responsibility for the floor tiling ensuing claim would fall upon us to be dealt with , however you 're insured
5 Alaina , how does it feel for you to be told by civil servants how to conduct your life ?
6 Dad was a regular churchgoer himself , a sidesman , so it just would not do for him to be seen working on such a special day in the Church Calendar .
7 The notion of giving a helping hand to a new literature produced against these overwhelming odds would naturally appear to her to be anathema .
8 ( 2 ) At or after the preliminary appointment if there be one , the arbitrator shall fix a date for the dispute to be heard ( unless the parties consent to his deciding it on the statements and documents submitted to him — an unusual course not usually acceptable to the parties or the district judge ) and he shall give such directions regarding the steps to be taken before and at the hearing as may appear to him to be necessary or desirable .
9 Perhaps I should always take the case for his solution as being 20% stronger than it would otherwise appear to me to be .
10 Similarly , the young lady/old woman figure can not appear to me to be a picture of a young lady unless I possess the concept of age , and all the other concepts involved in that of age .
11 Undoubtedly , as a general rule , the seller wants to get the highest price for his property , and the purchaser wishes to give the lowest , and in that sense it may be said that an expected difference between the parties is to be implied in every case , but unless a difference has actually arisen , it does not appear to me to be an " arbitration " .
12 Undoubtedly , if two persons enter into an arrangement for the sale of any particular property , and try to settle the terms , but can not agree , and after dispute and discussion respecting the price , they say , " We will refer this question of price to AB , he shall settle it " , and thereupon they agree that the matter shall be referred to his arbitration , that would appear to be an " arbitration " , in the proper sense of the term … ; but if they agree to a price to be fixed by another , that does not appear to me to be an arbitration .
13 For all practical purposes at this stage sir she may appear to you to be a fit and proper person I 've no doubt the Licensing Committee will want to know a lot more about the situation sir .
14 The European consortium did not appear to us to be particularly cohesive in their aims and objectives .
15 If it does , it would appear to us to be another black hole that formed and then evaporated .
16 His distribution contract did not expressly provide for him to be personally involved in the distribution although his personal involvement was appreciated .
17 The level of market support will decline and , I believe , we should plan for it to be eliminated by the end of the Century . ’
18 This time it did n't occur to me to be frightened .
19 ‘ You do n't sound to me to be in the right condition to spend time with Fishbane . ’
20 In extreme cases its creditors may then petition for it to be put into liquidation , that is convert all its assets into cash , usually on the unfavourable terms of a forced sale , in order to recover the sums owed to them .
21 In extreme cases its creditors may then petition for it to be put into liquidation , that is convert all its assets into cash , usually on the unfavourable terms of a forced sale , in order to recover the sums owed to them .
22 I 'd hate for him to be stuck up there for last week in March
23 I do n't know how long that 'll take for it to be over , whether five minutes or fi
24 Brown notes here that NT must interoperate with it to be taken seriously in the corporate community .
25 Thus , in 1652 , when Cromwell raised with Whitelocke the momentous question , ‘ What if a man should take upon him to be king ? ’ ,
26 What does his patients charter offer to the thousands of patients who , through the College of Health helpline , have chosen a hospital with a shorter waiting list , but can not get into that hospital because their health authorities will not pay for them to be treated there ?
27 If temporary workers are to be brought in , they will press for them to be of the latter category .
28 ‘ What does it mean to me to be learning to live on my own ?
29 Reporter asks : What does it mean to you to be playing competitive sport ?
30 Oh well , would n't go to him to be honest
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