Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] it [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er , and the work just gets done , you do n't need to do it every day .
2 The pattern design is shown here and you will need to repeat it a number of times widthways to fit your pattern format .
3 There is no more natural monopoly than the public utility of water supply and it is obscene that anyone should seek to make it the instrument of private advantage .
4 Of course we do n't want to overdo it the praise that is .
5 I would n't want to hear it every night , but tonight it took the breath away with its doomed glamour .
6 The Cathedral could be got into at any time by the Bishop 's door , given how unlikely it was that the Bishop in his currently abstracted state should remember to lock it every time he used it .
7 Well , if I erm said to one of my students something about that was a very good essay you wrote , in fact I 'd like to discuss it a little bit more down at the pub and down at the pub I put my hand on his knee perhaps in making a point about how good his essay was .
8 I 'd like to grow it a bit longer , but the ends are inclined to split and it looks dull .
9 Well looking at that I would n't I 'd like to leave it a wee while my options open because in the in the
10 I suppose there he he did n't like to leave it the way , the way it was done
11 Regarding the Marshall , I criticised the fact that you could n't set it up in a rack with , say , a radio system and leave it rigged , because you 'd have to unplug it every time you used it .
12 I 'd have to do it every hour .
13 But I do n't have to do it every day all day .
14 You do n't have to do it every time
15 The departure from her old home and her arrival in her new one will be a tremendous double adjustment for her to make , so you should try to give it a sense of occasion .
16 And if we can hold it , the foal will still be frightened of us , and we will have to give it a lot more handling than we would have had to initially to undo its instinctive fear of us and learn accept us instead .
17 ‘ We do n't really have to keep it a secret . ’
18 I 'm never gon na , I 'm never gon na learn learn it by concentrating on how I 'm gon na do it , I 'm just gon na have to sing it the way it is because I 'm not gon na learn to do it am I ?
19 But you do n't have to empty it every time do you ?
20 We 'll try to make it an evening to celebrate , then .
21 ‘ Do you want to call it a night ? ’ asked Surkov , perhaps hopefully .
22 There is the danger that it will verge on unmixed eulogy , a veritable paean of praise , owing to an embarrassing lack of material for even the mildest fault-finding that might serve to give it an edge .
23 I mean he might occasionally want to move it a foot , but there would be no way he 'd be able to make the nice adjustments in that way .
24 If you only have access to the machine once a month in a special video room , you will want to make it the centre of attention for that session .
25 Before I tell you about it , do you agree to keep it a secret ? ’
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