Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [indef pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 That anyone should want to kill anyone on this tender lovely evening was a concept beyond the understanding of all of them .
2 ‘ We do n't want to provide anything of that sort just yet .
3 I do n't even drink he 's the sort of guy who 'd want to know anything about this .
4 Fifty two year old Agnes Smith does n't need to lose anything like that amount , but as part of our search for a healthy lifestyle she 's agreed to try this form of group therapy .
5 You may then decide that either you do not need to interview anyone at all because no job exists or that you need to interview someone for a quite different role , perhaps involving taking on various responsibilities of other employees which together form a more rational and cohesive whole .
6 So we need to get some if we 're going to work on ordnance survey ones we 'll need to sort something on that .
7 We 'll need to do something about that .
8 Now we 're planning to do a , we do n't wan na do another budget , re-budget forecast until June July , we , cos it , we do n't need to do one for this bu any budget year starting July , we 're gon na work on the calendar year .
9 Right so I do n't need to do anything for that ?
10 Well he does n't even need to say anything at all actually you could just sit down , erm and start to write a poem about what he imagines .
11 ‘ Frankly , it does n't appear to do anything at all , but the other two call it the Senior Partner . ’
12 They have cajoled , bullied and threatened yet still do n't appear to realise none of that will make the Danes change their mind .
13 The ceiling for exemption from duty varies from country to country , but it is usually fairly low , and you can expect to pay something on most rugs bought abroad .
14 ‘ My heart was racing so uncontrollably that it was all I could do to say anything at all , ’ she told him .
15 I do not want to hear anything like that again .
16 Okay , I would like to thank everybody on this item who has taken part in the responsible bits of the debate .
17 Other women would doubtless be wearing such dresses , but none , Jane thought , would dare to wear one without any petticoat as she herself intended .
18 And I 'd like to do something like that again .
19 I mean I 'd like to do something like that , but you could n't sell it
20 I think you 'd like to watch nothing at all 'cause you have what you want on every day .
21 Yeah , I would just like to add something to that , and the fact that it 's not only that women , that , that men are taught that they can rape and they can abuse women , but er that it 's alright !
22 I would like to say something at some point about the point I made earlier about going , increasingly as you go down this list , you depart in directions which are , er , contrary to your policies , but
23 Er , yes , well , I 'd , I 'd , er , I 'd like to make two proposals , first of all that we formally congratulate our officers for leading the team that er , put together this successful bid , erm , but I 'd also like to say something about these concerns about the boundaries because it 's Oswestry again , amongst mainly the sort of north of the county around Oswestry , which like with the rural development area , could be left out , and , of course , economic development does n't stop at a parish boundary people cross it , it 's part of their economic activity and erm , I know that some of the sort of proposed projects put together for the use of this five B money , er , around the Oswestry area , are extremely desirable projects , er , and are achievable projects , and it would be a tragedy if er , if they were , if , if we failed to achieve them because of er , a kind of a bureaucratic dotted line which say you ca n't have the money because you 're the wrong side of the line .
24 Erm during the executive erm Mary raised a point from the joint planning team about the erm charter and the remarks made by Dr. on that , would you like to say something on that Mary ? because we want to take some action .
25 I would now like to ask everyone in this room to stand with me , and raise their glasses .
26 But Mr Reynolds declared : ‘ Our first priority is to get all parties around the table , and we would not want to do anything at this stage that might hinder the process .
27 So you might actually want to put something of that in to your land reform
28 Um — you would n't happen to know anyone with such a craft ? ’
29 And I thought , well , I 'm gon na have to do summat about this !
30 The Chancellor of the Exchequer , Kenneth Clarke tells the programme how she once asked : ‘ Why do I have to do everything in this Government ? ’ and no-one had the nerve to give her the obvious answer — she did n't have to do everything .
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